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Everything posted by sexy_shapiro

  1. Oh great, let’s cheer on a storm that will kill people and destroy homes. Go fuck yourself. Not every Floridian deserves what you find so hilarious. You fuckers take Florida jokes too far.
  2. There’s no mechanism for Trump declaring the results to be fraud? Because that’s literally what I said, and that’s exactly what he’s doing right now.
  3. I picked up a few strains from the dispensary on Sunday to help this week. Headband, White Widdow, and Northern Lights.
  4. It’s not really weed. It doesn’t get you high - it’s basically a natural version of Valium. I can’t do shit when I’m high, but always take CBD before I work with my students.
  5. My anxiety has been flaring up at times, last week was particularly bad, but having a medical marijuana card helps get me through. But at this point I’m just ready for the election so that we can get it over with.
  6. You know these are adults you’re talking about, right? They are old enough to make their own decisions and to suffer the consequences from their actions. You may think you’re standing up for them, but you’re talking about them in a way that removes their agency and looks down on them.
  7. Reagan ran as a politician, not a celebrity. Reagan could point to his track record as governor when he ran. Trump literally said he was a qualified leader because of his high television ratings. The notion of a someone using their celebrity status to bypass lower levels of civil service and jumping straight into the presidency was unthinkable in 1980. Hell, it was even seen as unthinkable in 2015.
  8. Politics shouldn’t be funny. We shouldn’t be looking to the news for entertainment. By treating this as a reality show, a lot of us are complicit in some way. I thought it was funny at first (it was literally only funny for a day or two before he made his first press conference), but from the get go I always thought he had a decent chance in winning. He was destined to win because our politics has turned into how you can present yourself on TV, and Trump by far played better on television than any other candidate that year.
  9. I never placed the sole blame on comedians. You really should read Amusing Ourselves to Death. Neil Postman predicted in 1980 we’d have a celebrity president some day. It’s about our de-evolution of discourse, and how television has only made it worse. The mixture of news and entertainment is a dangerous thing. 24 hours news shifted into being a form of entertainment. And John Stewart made millions of dollars off by creating a funny news shows that benefits from the circus of national politics. This is why him and his crew were literally celebrating when Trump announced his candidacy. More lunacy in the news is good business for him. He didn’t think twice on whether this could do irreparable harm to us because his doesn’t have the insight or foresight to see natural conclusion of this dumpster fire that he was fanning.
  10. All those on TV, at at least. So what you’re saying is that Jon Stewart is no different than the media climate he pretends to be separate from? Cool, because that’s what I’m arguing too. I don’t understand why so many of you guys look up to him as a hero or a voice of reason.
  11. I remember the night that Trump announced he was running for president and Jon Steward was literally in glee. Kinda weird that people still look up to him even though he helped to crate the atmosphere where entertainment and information are intertwined.
  12. The only thing we’ll ever learn from you guys is to not put our milk in fucking bags.
  13. My family has been getting way too loose with this virus and it’s making me sad. Last weekend my sister and mother went to an indoor wedding where my sister was the only one wearing mask at the whole. That’s the worse instance of it but I know they’ve been hanging out with friends like nothing changed. My 89 year old grandmother lives with them. She is pretty far along in her dementia so she has no awareness to the fact that her own family members are risking her own life in order to enjoy social functions without protection. If one of them infects her and it can be traced to an even like the wedding they went to, it’s going to be really hard for me to forgive them if it ends up taking her life.
  14. I don’t know what to fully expect next week but I’ve been emotionally preparing for this outcome for months. Trump and the GOP will pull out all the stops in a way we haven’t seen before. We’re in a more vulnerable position than many are willing to admit.
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