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Everything posted by sexy_shapiro

  1. It’s finally happening, fam. Lindsay Graham is getting outed! Just to be clear, outing someone against their will is shitty. But when it comes to politicians who support anti LGBT legislation, it’s 100% fair game. This will be entertaining.
  2. My local indie theater posted their plans to open next month. They said they may be getting a 35 mm print of Tenet, and that will be the official re-opening of the theater.
  3. I can’t speak for Disney but Perlmutter is a HUGE Trump supporter. https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/marvel-ike-perlmutter/
  4. I’m back home from the protest. I’m safe. I promptly left after the march so I didn’t linger around afterwards (which is when these things typically go south) but everything I saw was completely peaceful and respectful. People of all ages and races, marching together under a single cause. We marched by churches who passed out water bottles and snacks in support. It was such a beautiful, cathartic, and powerful experience.
  5. Fuck it, I’m protesting today. I don’t care if it’s dangerous. I can’t stand by any longer.
  6. These protests are bigger and more widespread than they were under Obama. That’s what I meant. I’m not unaware fallout from Ferguson and Trayvon Martin.
  7. Jacksonville Is getting a curfew tonight. We didn’t even get curfews during the quarantine.
  8. The protests aren’t about Trump however I don’t know if we would be getting the same level of protesting under a more empathetic president like Obama. People like to at least feel like their leaders are at least listening. Sure, people were hopeless before Trump, but Trump just adds to their hopelessness. I’ve always had a feeling that we would be have mass civil unrest during the Trump era. If he wins re-election then I expect his second term to be defined by these types of demonstrations. Things are only breaking down further.
  9. I was skeptical about this service but since I already have HBO Now I figured might as well try it out. And holy shit, I didn’t realize TCM was in on this! I hate the lack of classic movies on most steaming services but HBO Max rectifies this.
  10. The Mandalorian at its best is what I hoped that Solo would have been. A sequel should definitely take cues from that series.
  11. Snay has been posting here long enough that I don’t believe for a second that he’s never heard about the party switch before. He either knows he’s wrong and is trolling, or know’s the truth but doesn’t believe it.
  12. Inarguable fact? The Wachowskis themselves have never said that so let’s not put words in their mouths. It’s more than just a personal interpretation. The first movie is basically a retelling of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. It’s about questioning reality and learning to look beyond the physical realm, which yes, does certainly relate to queerness, but not exclusively. As a spiritual queer person I love that the queer reading of the matrix has become more accepted, but also feel it’s being embraced by atheists as a way of downplaying the very clear spiritual/mystical content in the movie.
  13. The Matrix doesn’t have a single interpretation. I think pretending that The Matrix can only represent one thing and one thing only takes away the beauty of that movie. There’s so much going on that it’s possible to have completely different, yet still valid, takeaways.. There’s enough religious symbolism and nods to suggest its a story about spiritual enlightenment, for example. However, one can’t deny that The Wachowski’s experiences as queer people played a big part in the the themes they were trying to express. Switch was originally supposed to be a different gender in The Matrix than in the real world, which would have been the most obvious evidence if the studio didn’t force that change. Also, one the sisters Has talked about how she nearly committed suicided by letting a train run her over. She mentions how she had so much shame about her identity but on the train tracks she had an awakening on who she was - she regained the will to live. The movie’s turning point is on the train tracks. It’s when Neo truly becomes the one. Agent Smith is holding him down and trying to let the subway run them over before Neo truly believes in himself and is the one. It’s where he truly adopts his new identity as Neo - he even corrects Agent Smith by saying “My name is Neo!” before becoming self-actualized.
  14. One of my roommates works at a nail salon and she went back to work last week. I’m still working from home and hardly going out, but I’m worried that living with someone with a job like that will put me more at risk.
  15. Jacksonville had “flyover” the other week. Maybe it’s because I grew up near a navy/Air-Force base and would hear Blue Angels all of the damn time, but I never understood the appeal.
  16. I don’t know about you guys but there is no way I’m sitting this one out. Hopefully everyone in my audience will be able to hear it over my dry cough.
  17. The gym has done wonders for managing my mental health. It’s been difficult having to life without it while also living during an inherently stressful period.
  18. Could I just watch the last four episodes if I haven’t been watching the series?
  19. Oh boy, is it awkward when extended gag is absolutely not funny and goes on for way too long.
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