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Everything posted by sexy_shapiro

  1. Yes, they told me to work from home until I can get tested. But until then, because my job involves a lot telecalls, I don’t have the energy or lung capacity to do that all day.
  2. I’ve had to go out shopping some but that’s mostly it. My works knows. Even after I feel better they’ll have me work from home for a couple of weeks to be safe.
  3. My job re-opened their center 2.5 weeks ago, so we went from working from home to work to in center again. I’m not saying that’s how I caught it, but the timing is suspect. We wore masks, wiped down surfaces, etc. But I still had the sinking feeling that this still wasn’t safe enough and I was going to catch it eventually.
  4. So I started noticing a shortness of breath and a few other symptoms on Tuesday evening. I called out sick to work yesterday and today the breathing is worse. Even walking to the bathroom and back is difficult. Testing here in Florida is still abysmally low so I wasn’t able to get an appointment till Tuesday.
  5. And not just any music videos, but 90’s music videos. Yes, it was the golden age of the music video format, with plenty of all time classics, but there was also no shortage of absolute terrible/silly videos for them to poke fun at. The revival from ten years ago tried to used a mixture of modern music videos and clips of MTV reality shows and it just wasn’t the same.
  6. This was the first DVD my family owned after we made the switch from VHS. It will always hold a special place in my heart for that reason. But do people actually think it’s still a great movie? I haven’t seen it in years, but people I know who still like still think it’s a silly movie but enjoy it regardless.
  7. Yeah, unfortunately this isn’t the first time. https://www.thecut.com/2020/07/joss-whedons-controversies-and-alleged-bad-behavior-a-guide.html
  8. I loved Beavis and Butthead, but they are so of the time that I don’t know if a modern day revival will really work. MTV tried to bring it back 10 years ago and it failed. I’m curious what they are planning on doing differently to make this incarnation actually successful.
  9. I don’t know what it’s like to be a racial minority but I can say that minor issues of homophobia/ignorance do add up over time. I’m not saying it’s the same, but I empathize because I know that being an “other” can be exhausting. And yeah, for years I felt I had to be silent too. People like us when we’re sassy, witty, entertaining, life of the party, etc. Basically they like when we fill the roles that straight people have allowed us to exist in. But they don’t like when we call out behavior and speak our minds for once. Once I do I get called “dramatic”, sometimes by my own family. I’m just over it. But if there’s an gift to what I’ve gone through, is it’s given me an unbelievable amount of empathy as a white man. I listen and always take into account the experiences of others. I try my best to never reflexively dismiss what someone shares to me. This is something a lot of white people struggle with, and even me at earlier stages in life.
  10. Jacksonville has finally issued a mask mandate today, about 10 days after our mayor said he had no plan to require masks.
  11. I’m sorry for loosing my cool previously. But you can stop getting personal, because I’m no longer attacking you. I also grew up in the era of VHS and pan & scan. No need to talk down to me.
  12. He could have theoretically sold it to Netflix and have received just as many eyeballs on it, maybe even more. And there wouldn’t be any issues of censorship. I’m not sure if you’re saying I’m being unrealistic because I’m fully aware of the intersection of art and commerce. I knew as soon as it was announced that Disney was buying it that we’d be seeing censorship. I excepted it. I still think LMM could have released it in a way that wouldn’t have compromised his art anymore than he already had had to do so.
  13. I’m not saying he’s right-wing, but that his movies often seem to support certain conservative ideals. One could read The Dark Knight as a support for Patriot Act era surveillance. Batman himself is a fascist cop who uses force, fear, and “advanced interrogation” in order to serve what he deems as justice. The movies go back and fort on whether his actions are justified but I think ultimately the movies side with him. By the third movie he’s made into a symbol of hope. And now Nolan was to push theaters to open early just to play his movie. Yeah, this just doesn’t sit well with me, especially with the conservative bent of his Batman movies.
  14. It’s disturbing to me how many users on here are willing to roll over and accept censorship. It’s an ani-art position, and considering that this is a board that discusses art, I find that to be most offensive. It’s more than just two words. The more that consumers passively accept censorship studios will continue to pull more and more shit. You have to stand up to even seemingly minor instances of censorship, less these instances continue to grow.
  15. Does @Emblazon honestly think Disney is going to release an R-rated cut to theaters? The version we’re getting on Disney+ likely is the theatrical cut. LMM must have know he would have to sacrifice some language when he sold it to Disney. I’m sure this is a conversation they had months ago. I assumed he meant live theater because of my point above, and also because I believe that’s when the touring production will resume shows again (could be wrong on that, though).
  16. I can’t really imagine how someone like Christopher Nolan must be feeling. He’s obviously very passionate about the movies he makes. He spent so much time on this movie only for it to not get the release he was hoping for. But this situation doesn’t make him look good. Like, at all. At best he’s delusional for thinking now is a good time for his movie to be put out there. At worst he’s uncaring for the amount of people who will be put in danger just to see his movie. It’s disappointing, but he always seemed to have a right wing bent based on his Batman movies.
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