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Everything posted by Pikachu

  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-gaming/tencent-loses-20-billion-in-value-after-china-fights-myopia-with-gaming-curbs-idUSKCN1LF25B?feedType=RSS&feedName=technologyNews
  2. It's moreso important to people who get physical games and prefer having everything on disc rather than downloading the patch. Particularly, there is a small number of people who don't connect their consoles online and would not have the patches without them being on disc.
  3. The fortunate part of BFV is that there is no season pass. Everyone has access to all the maps, so that single issue should be eliminated.
  4. The original release date sandwiched it between BO4 and RDR 2. Literally between a rock and a hard place.
  5. The link in this tweet breaks it down: Complete patch notes: https://community.wbgames.com/t5/Official-Announcements/Middle-earth-Shadow-of-War-Patch-14-July-17-2018/td-p/1882311
  6. Coming 2019. More info here: https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/08/29/first-look-spelunky-2-gameplay-mossmouth-interview/
  7. The latest patches significantly reduced the grind and improved the end game. Loot boxes have been removed as well.
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