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Everything posted by Pikachu

  1. The plot sounds similar to the Hurricane Heist movie which was awful.
  2. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-01-30-changes-of-perspective-are-vital-to-representation-in-games
  3. And these killers end up with lots groupies too after being arrested/convicted.
  4. The main difference is that you can play as Ada in Leon's campaign and as Sherry in Claire's. The final boss is also different for both.
  5. https://www.polygon.com/2019/1/29/18201917/quantic-dream-netease-investment-next-gen-games
  6. I believe canonically Claire A and Leon B is what is considered to be the correct path in terms of story. There are few minor differences when playing Leon A and Claire B. Nothing earth-shatteringly different though. And yes you need to complete both paths, to get the true ending.
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/29/gamestop-has-decided-to-end-its-process-to-sell-the-company.html
  8. 88 average on both Metacritic and OpenCritic. Nice job Nomura!
  9. They wouldn't put Sekiro on Epic Game Store. It would go to Battle Net/Blizzard Launcher.
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