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Everything posted by mrbiggsly

  1. Nope I'm American so the eShop code should work. I'd be surprised if you can't get a digital version on Amazon eventually though
  2. Thanks man you're the best. If we can do Switch games I'd like Mario Maker 2
  3. Fox and Friends accidentally declare RBG dead One in the chamber
  4. I'm shocked that the guy who was appointed because he sees no issue with shutting down the Mueller investigation has no issue with shutting down the Mueller investigation.
  5. I choose to read all of Trump's tweets in the voice of a twelve year old who just lost cell phone privileges for the night
  6. I'm not sure if changing the mass of everything when we measure it is a good idea, but I'm sure they have their reasons
  7. Meh, an illegitimate Supreme Court will further speed our race to oblivion. Get your gold seeds and women ready
  8. That's how I'm feeling as well. I look forward to two years of congressional investigations that will make Trump look bad to people who already don't like him and fire up the people who already do like him. It'll bring us one step closer to our broken government's collapse
  9. ***Michigan Update*** Democrats win: US Senator Governor Attorney General (probably) Secretary of State Proposals for legal weed, no gerrymandering, and easier voting Rebuplicans win: State Senate (21-18) State House (58-53) Looks like the US House Representatives from Michigan will be split 7-7
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