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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I also think both action sequences were until the finale were about a woman saving kids, the mall and kids playing in the street.
  2. I think they were trying to be feminist while still trapped in some sexist ideas. I 100% see a bunch of white male execs thinking they are progressive and patting themselves on the back while making blunders that lead to a confusing character/story/message.
  3. But lasagna bro don't you want boring pasta baked layers of bland cheese with some flavorless tomato sauce!?
  4. I think it's DC execs being DC execs. I don't really put it on the director (for now). They had a checklist and it shows. Some parts feel lazy too, and sexist in a way. I feel like Batman or Superman would have gotten a more competent team to do the truck in the desert scene and maybe they wouldn't have had them save children twice. I dunno, it was *fine* don't think about it too much. The moral of the story is be careful what you wish for, appreciate what you have. I agree there are weird timing things. Like at the end pascal is with the machine and runs our into the white house lawn????????? Was that underground? That means the cat lady fight was underground? But there's a giant sea vista?? What's going on here!?!
  5. A Second Top Black Female Employee Reveals She Was Fired From Google Back in September WWW.THEROOT.COM When April Christina Curley went to bed on the night of September 10, she probably didn’t think she’d wake up the next morning and be out of a job at Google. But that’s exactly what... HBCU Group Terminates Partnership With Google - TheStreet WWW.THESTREET.COM HBCU 20x20 is a network for minority students who attended historically black colleges and universities.
  6. @Biggie I love Satan so.. this day is hard for me....... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜… jk Satan isn't real, neither is a holiday.
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