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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. They're just justifying to themselves that next time they're gonna kill officers. The gov, law enforcement really need to take down all these groups before it's too late. They've been brewing a civil war in their minds and they've decided it's time, and they are clearly not kidding.
  2. As riot raged at Capitol, Trump tried to call senators to overturn election WWW.CNN.COM President Donald Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani both mistakenly made calls to Republican Sen. Mike Lee as deadly riots were unfolding at the US Capitol earlier this week, a spokesman...
  3. Suuuuupppper suspect. This is likely why the Pentagon isn't listening to Trump anymore. They got played.
  4. hahahaha I hope the @FBI is taking notes there on Parler
  5. Twitter bans Trump, says plans for Jan. 17 armed protests are circulating WWW.CNBC.COM It's a step Twitter has resisted taking for all of Trump's presidency. Can't DC start screening everyone coming in and out? I mean... It's not a state for a reason right? Lock it down.
  6. This is how he's gonna spend the rest of his life. Purgatory.
  7. They are baked. You create a sauce, a filling, you dip tortillas in sauce, fill, roll, pack, and repeat in a pyrex tray until full, cover with more sauce, and bake. It's a Mexican lasagna.
  8. I love that he's just sitting there, bored, raging, craving one more hit of attention
  9. Cool tech companies, but i still want Biden to slaughter you.
  10. Dems should run ads attacking conservative Senators in their district for blocking the checks.
  11. Now that the Dems have control can they censure Lindsey and make him shut the fuck up.
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