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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. Forza 6 is not on PC -- that link is to Forza 6:Apex, which although it shares a similar name, is a different game based on some of Forza 6's assets. It was essentially a test for Turn 10 to get their engine up and running on PC. You can add Kinect Sports Rivals to that list. (But I wouldn't call it a notable release.) I think technically the original Zoo Tycoon did not come out on PC. Just the Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal collection (which appears to be a slightly different game)
  2. Forza Horizon 2, Forza Motorsports 5 & 6, Rare Replay are all not on PC in addition to the two Halo games. Basically the majority of MS Studios output for the first 3 years of XB1 is still not on PC.
  3. We'll see! They keep offering Forza Edition cars that I have already won in Super Spins!
  4. Fun can also be had on one of these, and it's only $60. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/nintendo-entertainment-system-nes-classic-edition/5389100 Of course, I'd take a PS4 Pro over that too.
  5. I really want to learn more about the story telling -- which is what made me fall in love with Mass Effect. The combat looks interesting, but its really hard to tell from this video.
  6. I’ll try and watch this later on. I’m cautiously optimistic about it.
  7. I have hundreds of extra FP sitting around. Do your dailies, the weekly challenge and a few Forzathon events and you will be swimming in FP.
  8. It would be nice for them to compete again. It might get Nvidia to get real on their prices.
  9. Pro currently has RDR2 in its bundle -- so the game is a toss-up. We'll see what deals are available on Black Friday for a true price comparison. mprovements of the Pro vs. the poor are not marginal. Many new games are targeting the Pro/X, and the base consoles are getting the sub-optimal experience.
  10. ESRB is showing Microsoft as the publisher for the PC version -- so I would guess it is coming to Windows 10 store.
  11. OK. I normally don't see it, though, because I normally only have my browser open on a small part of my screen, and it doesn't show unless I make the browser full screen.
  12. Apparently it is browser specific -- because, now after looking more closer, I have an "eraser" that removes formats. I have no Tx
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