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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. That's literally what the data suggests Liberal voters are intending to do in Ontario. Only ~50% of people intending on voting Liberal think that Del Duca would make the best Premier. On a tangent: What the Literal Fuck where they thinking.
  2. The only reason I watched the Chapelle special was because of the controversy around it I didn't realize that I expressed ire. FWIW, I generally don't offer an opinion on content I haven't consumed. Since I probably won't ever watch this special, I also probably won't ever comment on how transphobic it is or isn't.
  3. I asked why those specific people were racist and members of the CPC. There are racists across the political spectrum. I think it's safe to say they are populists. Not sure if they are conservative.
  4. Two federal NDP candidates resign after antisemitic social media posts spark backlash WWW.MSN.COM ESSEX, ONT. — Jagmeet Singh says antisemitic comments by two of his party's candidates who resigned were "completely wrong" as the NDP leader made a push to win sought-after Ontario ridings. "Antisemitism is real," Singh said during a campaign stop in Essex, Ont. "We're seeing a scary rise in antisemitism, and we are unequivocally opposed, and we'll confront it." The party confirmed Wednesday that Dan Osborne...
  5. People like to slow down to see the aftermath of a car crash on the highway. It's human nature.
  6. What did the people in Peterborough do to convince you that: 1) They are racists 2) They are members of the Conservative Party (as opposed, to say supporters of the PPC)
  7. Don't you kinda know what you're getting with Ricky Gervais? All the outrage does is make more people interested in watching the special to see what all of the fuss is about.
  8. Everything CDC wants you to know about monkeypox and the current risk level ARSTECHNICA.COM "We do know a lot about monkeypox from many decades of studying it." Expert: Monkeypox likely spread by sex at 2 raves in Europe | AP News APNEWS.COM LONDON (AP) — A leading adviser to the World Health Organization described the unprecedented outbreak of monkeypox in developed countries as “a random event” that appears to have been caused by sexual activity at two recent raves in Europe.
  9. Abacus Data | Ontario PCs lead by 8: Debate does little as the desire for change drops ABACUSDATA.CA < People really don't like Del Duca
  10. Expert: Monkeypox likely spread by sex at 2 raves in Europe | AP News APNEWS.COM LONDON (AP) — A leading adviser to the World Health Organization described the unprecedented outbreak of monkeypox in developed countries as “a random event” that might be explained by sexual behavior at two recent raves in Europe.
  11. They aren't though. That's the point. Chickenpox is primarily airborne, monkeypox is primarily through direct contact with bodily fluids (or the "pox" themselves).
  12. 338Canada Ontario | All 124 districts 338CANADA.COM My riding is Liberal federally, OPC provincially. 338 says it is leaning OPC. The NDP doesn't have a shot in hell here (even though they finished 2nd in the last provincial election with 28% of the vote - which is BY FAR the highest they have ever achieved.)
  13. The junior partner in any coalition is always punished in future elections. Both the NDP and Liberals know this.
  14. So glad that Del Duca won't be the next Premier. It looks like he may not even win his own riding.
  15. Chickenpox is a highly transmissible virus -- but isn't related to Monkeypox (even though they have similar names).
  16. I said it could, but it was rare. There is still no evidence that there is any widespread community transmission, and only ~120 reported cases outside of Africa. So far, the cases have been primarily (though not entirely) contained to MSM and their close contacts. Monkeypox is endemic to certain areas of Africa (and in some years there have 000s of cases), and there has been spread outside of Africa every couple of years. Because there were 10s of cases in Europe, some experts initially thought that somehow the virus had mutated to have more airborne transmission. However, there is still no evidence of that. In Spain, more than 30 cases have been traced back to a single bathhouse in Madrid, many cases in Belgium have been tied back to the "fetish" Darklands Festival in Antwerp, all of the first 14 cases in the UK were found in MSM, and most of the Canadian cases (primarily in montreal) have been identified through people visiting sexual health clinics. It appears that it is these superspreader events that has magnified the case count this time, rather than any mutation in the virus that made it more transmissable. There are no reported deaths from Monkeypox outside of Africa.
  17. The debate about when a person becomes a person is one that can never be answered. But, IMHO, is mostly tangential to the debate. The fundamental discussion on the morality of being pro-choice vs. pro-life should be on how willing you are to push your own morality onto others. I believe that life begins at conception. However, I recognize that other people don't share my belief, and have valid reasons (that I disagree with) for believing that it starts at a different point in time. It would be hubris to think that my point-of-view on this should trump everyone else's. Being pro-choice recognizes that your own morals should not be enforced on the rest of society.
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