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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. When I was in 4th-6th grade (6th grade was elementary in my school district growing up) my parents let me ride my bicycle to school. It was about 1.5 miles, and it was way out in the country, so the entire distance had to be done on the actual road, as there were no sidewalks. Never had to deal with traffic per se, but cars would be traveling around 50 mph, expect when you got within a few hundred feet of the school. Junior high and high school were 7 and 6 miles away respectively, which is neither walkable or bike-ridable. I either took the bus or got a ride from my dad. Luckily I got my license in 10th grade and was able to drive to school after that.
  2. U.S. Senate approves bill that would make Daylight Savings Time permanent in 2023 WWW.REUTERS.COM The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday to make Daylight Savings Time permanent, a move supporters say would make winter afternoons brighter and end the twice changing of clocks.
  3. I'm sure China is expecting payments in dollars or some other currency that is actually worth something. Maybe China plans to just bleed Russia of it's remaining hard foreign currency before it's used for other purposes. Smaht
  4. I'm 41 years old. I saw some posts pop up on my facebook timeline from 10 or 11 years ago and I shuddered at what I wrote. I don't think you have to be a child/teenager to write things that you'll later be embarrassed about. EDIT: At least with D1P, it's mostly anonymous. Facebook is horrible because it's YOU that is posting garbage, not your alter ego or avatar. Social media without the anonymity sucks, and it's clear that it has a huge negative impact on young people.
  5. Have you ever looked at some of your posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. From years past, and then subsequently cringed at what you wrote? When Musk rules over his Martian plantation 30 years from now, will he cringe over these childish writings?
  6. China is wet dreaming of all of that wide open, sparsely populated land in Eastern Siberia that is just being begged to be annexed from a weakened Russia. It's in China's best interests to see the Russians receive a humiliating defeat in Ukraine, and a subsequent dissolution of the Russian government and military. Probably not going to happen of course, but Xi can dream.
  7. Countries in the Southern hemisphere would likely be able to stay out of the conflict, especially in South America and Africa. There would be a realignment of power and economics, and I'm not sure what the outcome of that would be. Regardless, it would suck for everyone who survives.
  8. That would also be incredibly expensive to do so. Russia won't have any money to fund a long term occupation, unless China is willing to loan them money.
  9. I'm quite surprised that there are 90 people from Japan of all places, volunteering to fight on behalf of Ukraine. Equally interesting is the two American pilots - it's doubtful they are qualified to fly MiGs, so I wonder what Ukraine is asking them to take on?
  10. For reference, where this landed is nowhere near the Black Sea, and the missile has an effective range of up to 70 km, according to Wikipedia. Google Maps GOO.GL Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine, 13309
  11. I personally think this MiG fiasco is just cover: Either Ukraine already has these planes, or they will very shortly. All of these chatter and confusion is meant to throw off the Russians.
  12. It would be kinda funny if Russia just said "fuck it" and went back to communism after the international community shut them out of finance and western economics.
  13. U.S. expected to announce ban on Russian oil as soon as today WWW.CNBC.COM The U.S. is expected to announce as early as today that it will ban imports of Russian oil, NBC News reported.
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