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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. lol Chicago. Who did he pay off to have the charges dropped?
  2. I wasn't talking about fascists. I was talking about the limp wristed liberals on this board.
  3. I'm thankful that the Supreme Court has a narrow view on the freedom of speech and the press this particular subject. We don't need to be any more Orwellian than we already are. I'm actually disappointed in most of the liberals on this board for taking such a backwards stance on this particular subject. Edited for clarity
  4. I'm not ready to lock up Hannity or Alex Jones, or their supporters for watching their shows, simply because people like Cesar Sayok have cited them as inspirations (or likewise) for their lawlessness. Likewise, I wouldn't ban Rage Against the Machine music because it might inspire radicals.
  5. If intent is a requirement for incitement, how on Earth can you justify locking someone up for years just for possession of, or reading of this manifesto?
  6. This punishes people who simply read it. That is fucked up. This is a bad precedent for freedom of speech.
  7. Christchurch shooter's manifesto has been deemed "objectionable" by the Chief Censor. Reading it or knowingly possessing it could lead to 14 years in prison. I'm sure diddling kids or punching someone will get you fewer years than this. WTG New Zealand!
  8. The government (federal, state, and local) don't receive any of the tax proceeds from the carbon dividend - the entire sum, minus administrative costs, is given back to all citizens and legal residents.
  9. The Green New Deal was dead in the water regardless. Come support the carbon dividend with me and rule the world!
  10. Both of those stories are quite important, I think. For the Rosenstein story, I wonder if when Barr was fully briefed on the Mueller investigation, he was like "lol, nope. This is all your's Rod!".
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