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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. But seriously - the terrorist watch list is a secret list compiled by the government with no judicial oversight, no recourse for removal from the list, and you have no due process in the matter.
  2. If you end up on a terrorist watch list, how do you get off of it? What if you want to fly or buy a gun? Are you fucked then? What about due process?
  3. Because a gangland shooting is no more a mass shooting than the DC Sniper incidents were a mass shooting.
  4. The Phoenix area has a lot of ground water - at the power plant I worked at west of Phoenix, we had several wells for makeup water, that only had to be drilled to about 100 feet. We pumped over a million gallons of water a day with no drop in aquifer level.
  5. He probably won't win the primary. And even if he did win the primary, the Democrats are sure to win regardless in 2020. But I think this is a good sign that there is at least one person who is willing to primary Trump. Since he's so far removed from the GOP establishment at this point, he's got nothing to lose. I doubt any "real" GOP member will end up in the primaries, because they are too afraid they'll be shunned by the party afterwards.
  6. Bill Weld is a solid guy. If he actually is able to get on the primary ballot against Trump, I'd vote for him.
  7. Sperm is going to die whether it is jerked off into a tissue or is never excreted in the first place, as it will be reabsorbed into the body.
  8. New Hampshire's gun violence rate is low. But when you factor in gun suicides it raises the rate by quite a bit. I disagree that suicide by firearm should count towards any gun violence statistic.
  9. That's disgusting. The only thing you should cut mold off of before eating is cheese.
  10. Translation: It was paid for with campaign money and/or TrumpOrg charity money.
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