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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Not going to happen for a lot of reasons. But we could lobby Congress and the states to enact other policies that would benefit minorities and minority neighborhoods. Ending the war on drugs is a good start.
  2. Assault weapons bans won't help alleviate the shootings in Chicago. There needs to be large societal changes in Chicago and other cities afflicted with gun violence.
  3. I'm not sure if I want this guy to receive the death penalty or to be killed in prison by fellow inmates. Hopefully he goes to a prison with a heavy Latino population.
  4. But it's 1/2 a world away and would likely only involve Pakistan and India so:
  5. They are going to put the boot on Air Force One until he pays the $500k bill for his last rally.
  6. Conspiracy alert: Both Kentucky Senators are going to be "out of the office" for awhile. McConnell for a shoulder injury, and Paul for removing a portion of his lung. https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/05/rand-paul-lung-surgery-after-assault-out-of-senate-until-september/1919947001/
  7. There was bipartisan support to use the no-fly list to deny people their second amendment rights. Luckily that idea never got a lot of traction.
  8. He can fuck it all up by saying it in awkward Spanish.
  9. 6 proven policies for reducing crime and violence without gun control By German Lopez It's solutions that are better used for street violence and not mass shooting, but it's a pretty good list of things we can do.
  10. The only person I've ever met online is my wife. We've been together for 13 years now.
  11. Turtles are quite hardy. He might live to be 200 years old!
  12. What insurance company is going to pay out after the commission of a crime? What exactly is the insurance going to accomplish except "gate keep" poor people from owning firearms? Firearms accidents are largely covered already under homeowners/renters, health, and life insurance policies.
  13. They should enact Senator Coburn's proposal from 2013. It would probably pass both house of Congress. The President might even sign it.
  14. Maybe you're doing it wrong? https://www.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/
  15. Fucking Antifa probably. After the Governor of Texas told them to stay away from El Paso, they went to Dayton instead.
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