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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. Do you honestly think he knows who McCarthy is, or what he did?
  2. Too bad nothing will happen as long as the GOP controls the Senate and the WH.
  3. All of this talk makes me worried about my situation. I quit my job in order to start training for a new position, and the new job is more suited to want do with my life. The training started on Monday, but the new job starts in mid-January. The training itself pays more than what my old job did (and the new job would put even more), but I'm not 100% guaranteed to get it, so if I don't get it, I'm fucked. But I was going nowhere with my old job with its low pay, so I feel like i had to take the risk...
  4. I usually had chicken ceaser salad for lunch while at my old job. And now the week that I go to a new position (and so dont have access to that same place anymore), this happens. That's...pretty funny, lol.
  5. Everyone by the time they're 30 should have a year's worth of salary in savings? I'm turning 30 in two months, and I'm nowhere near that. Am I fucked?
  6. Thoughts and prayers, nows not the time for politics, etc etc etc
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