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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. If Trump loses, I want to see clips like this happen at Fox News, at OANN, and at the White House. I want to see a full-blown scorched earth Trump meltdown on Twitter. I want to see tons of MAGAchud social media postings saying how this country is now doomed to communism and the far left, and will move to Canada (without any sense of irony) That's the only thing that would make this shitty fucking year worthwhile.
  2. We've already gotten the "Gov. Wolf is worse than Hitler" comments across PA, so why not?
  3. How soon until other states follow suit? And I wager that certain...delightful folks will call this a violation of the constitution or some shit.
  4. Yep. I love being able to get a large steak there. And yes, that cinnamon butter they serve is pure evil, and I love it.
  5. The only RTS I got into was Age of Empires 2. And even then, I suck at it.
  6. I don't eat sushi, as I've never been a fan of seafood. I am, however, a fan of ramen.
  7. I've done that too sometimes, usually while drinking something. It sucks when that happens.
  8. Tucker Carlson's top writer resigns after secretly posting racist and sexist remarks in online forum I am shocked.
  9. Trump will try to declare martial law if that happens. Or anything he can think of to keep himself from giving up the office.
  10. I never bought Goya products before this, so whatever.
  11. My one friend is planning to fly down and visit her parents in Texas in two weeks. I'm really worried for her safety now...
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