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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I wasn't;t sure that the gods in Black Panther were "real," or that the people who took the heart shaped herb were actually talking to their ancestors literally, or if it was supposed to be a vision. It's been a while since I watched it, I can't remember if T'Challa or Killmonger learn new stuff or just have their biases confirmed. Doesn't really matter either way, just curious. Notably, the god of Abrahamic religions is absent.
  2. Yeah. I was kind of counting out the Celestials since I dunno that they’d go with something that has less personality / relatability after Thanos, but I suppose you never know.
  3. Yeah, as far as we know between What If, Strange 2, and Loki. Thanos got confirmed in Avengers, which teased the big bad for the next few phases. I dunno that there's an Avengers equivalent on the docket for Phase 4? Maybe we'll find out for sure who's going to get punched hardest in Thor 4 or Strange 2, even if it's confirmation that it's Kang.
  4. The Multiverse of Madness trailer has me seeing multiverse stuff in all MCU content.
  5. Everything about baseball is objectively better when the Yankees are bad. It's just a fact. Could you imagine how great every season would be if the Yankees were like the Knicks? Getting excited about ripping off a few regular season wins? Having no vision or plan for how to turn it around? Yet also knowing that the team will never leave, it'll just be there, stagnating for decades? Young fans being indignant about the team being historically good but it was all before they were born? I was born in 1980 and grew up in New Jersey, hearing Yankee fans on the playground talking about 22 World Series titles was like listening to a Greek person talking about how rad the Ottoman empire was, just truly delusional shit. We could have that again, it would be so good. God willing the Yankees will never sniff another World Series.
  6. On the flipside of that coin, a decade + of job experience can be incredibly valuable. It's fucking wild to go onto social media these days and see queer puriteens saying shit that kink at Pride should be banned because it's not "family friendly" or that it "violates their consent," or that queer people shouldn't call themselves queer because it's a slur. I've seen these kids make the same arguments about how flamboyant Pride parades make gay people look bad that homophobes were making on the IGN CEB back in the day, using almost the exact same words. Having a sense of history so you're not repeating the same shit on a spin cycle is valuable too, it's part of why diversity of all flavors should be encouraged in a representative government. And also these people should have staffs who manage some of this shit. If I'm electing a congressperson, I don't expect them to be able to tell me the safe ppm levels for lead in my drinking water, but I'd trust that they have someone research that before casting a relevant vote. Not for nothing, but Lauren Boebert is 35 and I wouldn't trust her to prepare food that was safely cooked, so there's no guarantee that youth means you have your shit together.
  7. Can someone remind me how Thor ended up having 2 blue eyes again? Wasn't his prosthetic hazel or yellow or something? It's a robot eye so it could be patched or whatever, but his eyes WERE different colors in Endgame still, right?
  8. There's ongoing research into declining testosterone rates in the developed world; I'm not aware that any of them have come to conclusions as to why this is happening though some have looked to account for things like obesity, diabetes, etc. Also worth noting of course that while the observed decline may end up being problematic, the conservative panic around it is, nor surprisingly, based on basic shit like, "testosterone is the 'male hormone,' ergo males having more of it is good and less of it is therefore bad."
  9. It's self selecting. At this point I've been a lapsed Catholic atheist for so long that it's difficult to imagine ending up anywhere other than here. But I for sure would have held out longer if some of the stupider shit that went on in the church was managed better or if some of the people who ran CCD or confirmation classes didn't seem actively hostile towards anything other than quiet acceptance of everything without any kind of questioning. You run people through a sieve fine enough and all you're going to be left with is a really specific grain of true believer.
  10. I think this misses the mark, too. Assuming the reporting on Feinstein is correct I'd agree that she has no business being in the senate. But I'm against any ageist policy that prohibits work at a certain age, it's bad business and based on a poor understanding of cognition.
  11. Brand recognition and inertia’s are some of the most powerful forces in politics, so it “makes sense.”
  12. His user name was therocksomthing before, and when someone posted something and he posted a somewhat pedantic response, that was getting “therock’d”. I assume @SaysWho? remembers his full username because his board memory is better than mine.
  13. There’s gotta be a happy medium between a 60 year old version of Logan’s Run and Diane Feinstein Presents Weekend at Bernie’s. Ageism is bad in general and in politics but we shouldn’t be beholden to an octogenarian’s “good days.”
  14. If he wants to bring about the end of men, getting a bunch of dudes to blast their balls with UV light seems like a decent way to go about it.
  15. Also I have absolutely no basis for this other than vibes, but as women continue to make strides towards social equality but religious institutions are, in general, bastions of patriarchy, we’re going to see this trend continue, as well as interest in things like astrology continue to increase.
  16. The number of times I’ve created a burner account to talk up how awesome I am: incalculable They number of republicans that were actually hunted and killed within a year of Biden being elected like I suspected: zero
  17. I honestly feel that this is the natural evolution of a more personal relationship with god, to some extent, for Christians.
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