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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Most of my joke cooking lately is been southeast Asian. I made drunken noodles today and they came out well for a first attempt and considering I couldn’t find the noodles I wanted to winged it with a different shape. That pic looks quite good! Is it store guac or abuela guac?
  2. No, they have ReTruths, not retweets. Totally different.
  3. One thing I've seen a lot of people assume when they look at a chart like this... ... is that when they see China's life expectancy at the mid 40's in the 1960's, they think that people didn't "live as long." And while that's true to some extent, a significant reason that number is so low is infant mortality and people dying by / during young adulthood. Most people would die young or die old, and then averages do their thing.
  4. If the richest man in the world can't get away with exposing hid dick, exploiting labor, and ignoring workplace racism... what chance do we have?
  5. I don't know that I'm ever as big a fan of something as the internet seems to be, from which I take great comfort. Possible tame exceptions are the amount of paint I buy compared to the number of minis I paint, and an affinity for ugly, limited edition controllers.
  6. I'd only read two articles about it (one beyond the one I'd linked to before) and neither mentioned other witnesses that I can recall. That's entirely fair and possible. It's difficult for me to think that there's "equal footing" in a relationship where one of the people involved is one of the most recognizable, popular, and powerful men in Hollywood and the other is Amber Heard. Even saying something like they both contributed to a toxic relationship rubs me the wrong way given the power imbalances in play and the ongoing attempt at dragging Heard through the American legal system after failing to successfully sue British tabloids. Again, this went through foreign courts that concluded that the statements made by the Sun characterizing Depp as an abuser were not libelous. And assuming I've understood things correctly, the odds of succeeding on a libel claim in the UK (or England, whatever, I dunno offhand how the timing of Brexit impacts this ) are better than they are in the US. There's nothing that I've seen on this that suggests that Depp is the real victim. Who knows how the US case will turn out of course, but again, Depp sued the press about claims of abuse in the UK, lost, appealed, and lost. Anyone seeing this as Heard trying to "silence Depp" doesn't have their head screwed on straight.
  7. No, that's not what I'm saying. I don't know how I could be more clear than I was above. I don't know what you mean by this.
  8. Yeah that's fair. Ultimately it's Barry going around and doing the murders; he's continued to do that after Fuches split. We're a step beyond something like the Manson family murders since Fuches straight up tells Barry who to kill and there's no doubt that he molded Barry to some extent. Seeing Sally as anything other than a victim on this show is... weird. Not that she's just or only a victim of course.
  9. I hope this does not come off as any kind of shot at you because I truly don't mean it that way. But it says an awful lot about how far we've come in a short time as it pertains to things like medicine and food access that we simply cannot imagine the recent past / present in some parts of the world where the alternative is just... death.
  10. He should put himself on a rocket aimed at Sol. He's a hype man for greater minds, and a shit one at that.
  11. No. I do believe Depp's exes when they say he was not abusive towards them; that simply has no bearing on whether or not Depp abused Heard. To wit, when this was litigated in the UK, incidents in which Depp was violent towards other people (none of them exes, if I recall correctly), were not considered to have any impact on the defamation suit against Heard. And they shouldn't. Domestic violence is often NOT public by nature, and a legion of former partner's of Depp's saying he never abused them has no bearing on whether he abused Heard. If I punched my wife today, you could ask everyone I've dated in the last 25+ years if I was abusive and they could honestly say no; it just does not matter. I also believe Heard's ex when she said the situation was overblown. So no, I'm not cherry picking things to pick my narrative. I give absolutely no shits about Depp or Heard specifically as people, I DO care about the press, courts, and social media being weaponized to silence victims of domestic abuse. We have every reason to believe that is exactly what is happening here. I'd be much less inclined to think this if, you know, this wasn't already discussed and decided in a foreign court. She also does not say that Heard did. Heard was not prosecuted, the issue was not litigated, I have no evidence from which to draw a conclusion. Gun to my head, I'd say that the timing of that the incident between Heard and her ex being made public coinciding with the first defamation case in the UK I've mentioned smells fishy.
  12. I find it telling that a generally male, generally online group of gamers has sided with a man in a domestic re litigation of something that has already found that Heard’s claims of Depp’s violence are not defamation. Again, no. The nature of domestic violence means that the statements about character from friends, relatives, etc., should count for nothing unless they were a direct witness of events or a victim of the same person themselves. It doesn’t matter if Depp never assaulted any romantic partner other than Heard; not every abusive person abuses everyone they date.
  13. One of my brothers in law is a 911 dispatcher up here in Mass. Part of their training includes listening to examples of calls gone wrong, including things like hang ups. If the audio for this gets released, it’s likely it would make the cut. Additionally, the system they use allows the dispatchers to see what numbers on a keypad are being pressed, so if someone’s in a position where they can hear a dispatcher but not speak back to them, they can be instructed to press 4 for yes, 5 for no, that kind of thing. I have no idea how common that kind of system is, but they’re specifically trained and drilled on handling silent calls. You can also text 911.
  14. More context about the broader impact of cases like this in this thread. Suits like the one Depp has filed are weaponized misogyny intended to harass and bully victims of assault into silence.
  15. If I can’t call someone the n word after they score on me in Rocket League, the terrorists have won. Which terrorists and what prize? Who can say.
  16. $28M is fucking chump change, imaging voting against it.
  17. Yes. He got promoted when Strange blipped and has been Sorcerer Supreme since.
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