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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. I've still been enjoying leveling my characters. Content is repetitive but what game of this type is it not? At least running the same missions has random enemy variety so it's not the same exact encounters over and over.
  2. It's not "Old Madden" though. It's 5 month old Madden. You're acting like they are putting Madden 19 in EA Play with Madden 20 launches. It's putting the new Madden in 5 months later. Of course there are a lot of Football fans that will want the new Madden Day 1, but again, they won't be getting huge deals on used Maddens during the new football season. And if they do care about buying it cheap on the used market, they can then just play it as part of their subscription at that point.
  3. This last CoD released before Warzone was out, so many still felt the need to buy it, not knowing what the plan with Warzone was. I think they may drive sales of the new CoD if they include unique skins and other cosmetics for Warzone with the purchase. And doesn't NPD include digital purchases now, which include Micro-transactions from Warzone? The same way GTA5 has remained on the NPD every month, from its Micro-transactions for GTA Online?
  4. Madden 20 was added in January of 2020, 5 months after it launched in August. Yeah it's 5 months old at that point, but if you are just playing a Franchise Mode or something, many maybe fine waiting 5 months to play it as part of their subscription rather than pay $60 for it new. It seems most of EA's games have been added to EA Access roughly 6 months after they launch.
  5. I haven't been to a Gamestop since probable the early 360 days. How much does a used CoD or Madden game cost within 3-6 months of it's launch? Back in the day they hardly dropped value anywhere close to when they launch as not many people are returning or selling back a CoD or Madden. I remember used copies being priced like $45 quite a while after it released. Madden is now part of Game Pass as well, where you can get a minimum 10% off the price of it new being a subscriber, or wait til it gets added to EA Play, which last year, was 5 months after it released. And people that play CoD Multiplayer, are mostly Warzone players these days. That's a F2P game now, so who knows how many still buy the full version of CoD considering how few used to play the Campaigns. I already know quite a few people that were on the fence of getting a new console at launch now very much interested because of the XSS, so I do think it's doing its job of trying to get more early adoption into next gen.
  6. Even if you're paying half the price a new console should cost every 7 years? Someone always has the option to buy the $500 version right out the gate and enjoy it for 6-7 years. This is asking if introducing a lower end introductory model at $300 knowing it'll have to be upgraded in 3 years, but having an upgrade path to the higher end model at a fair price point. So you pay $500 total after the 3 years, but there's a cheaper entry point early on in the generation to allow more people to early adopt and get install bases higher quicker for next gen games to have more potential sales. It also solves some of the problem of holding back the entire generation if that is indeed a problem with a lower end spec.
  7. I think I posed this question before, but if Microsoft came out and said, the XSS will be supported for 3 years, and at that 3 year mark, there will be a trade in program to upgrade to a Series X for something like $200 or $20 a month with Xbox All Access, how would that be perceived to the general public. At that time, a newer XSX2 will release that's even more powerful that XSX owners can upgrade to if they chose. In years past, we have seen revisions of the consoles 3 or so years in right with a slim version? I know not everyone buys the revision, but if it was sold that the Series S is an entry level console to get you into next gen for a more affordable price, but in 3 years you'd have to upgrade or else it wont' support new releases, would that kill its appeal, or would people be okay with the idea of upgrading a cheaper console every 3 years rather than shelling out $500 every 6 or 7 years. *For those not interested in upgrading, game that aren't supported are only playable through xCloud on an internet connection. Cloud Gaming is already in a decent spot today, and I imagine every year it'll get better and better. *Microsoft has said it's done with generations, so it seems it'd make sense for them to try an ever evolving console upgrade system vs a 7 year console cycle that's been going on currently.
  8. I don't know, PS4 was the more powerful console last gen and came in at $399. The PS4 Pro was $399. That is Sony's sweet spot. I just don't know if I can see them putting out the weaker console this time at the same or higher price.
  9. https://blog.playstation.com/2020/09/12/watch-live-playstation-5-showcase-on-wednesday-september-16/ Looks like we finally get to find out the price and release date on Wednesday. Well hopefully.
  10. Assigning an Xbox as your Home Xbox means anyone on that Xbox can play your library, even if offline. So if you have a friend, you can sign into their Xbox, set it as Home, and they can play all the games you buy. This simply means you need to be online at your actual Xbox to play the games you own. And both can play at the same time.
  11. To a certain degree, but it's also for casuals. And those casuals aren't buying used copies of CoD, Madden, or 2k. Are they selling them after a year, maybe, but they are buying those games Day 1. And the biggest version of CoD is F2P now, as are quite a few of the other biggest franchises out now, like Apex and Fortnite. Add to that the crazy value of Game Pass now with EA games included. I think budget gamers will do okay with the Series S.
  12. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/03/16/xbox-series-x-controller/ It's slightly smaller with a few more rounded sections to accommodate smaller hands. New Dpad New Share Button New Lower Latency Tech Some new textures and materials
  13. The Xbox Series S will play the Xbox One S versions of BC games, not the Xbox One X with enhancements. SInce it's a 1440p machine and not a 4k machine, it makes some sense, but still a big miss. As far as I know, the One X version of many games are the only one that offers the Performance vs 4k Modes, so if it's simply running the One S versions, are you stuck with no option to maximize performance over resolution, or visa versa.
  14. All I needed was clarification it has no human controlled real time teleporting between worlds confirmed yet. That was all I was asking about, and I have my answer. So sorry to spark this long debate.
  15. My response was because I saw comments like this. Talking about the rifts in the demo being from a weapon/device, and having Titanfall 2 type gameplay possibilities. Looking at it again, I see he said everything seems to point to those possibilities, but didn't say they were in the demo. I thought at the time they were in the demo, and I literally watched the wrong demo or there was additional gameplay footage I was missing, because nothing in this demo showed anything interesting gameplay wise to me. The 6 minute mark is the teleporting. The player seems to make 1 actual input during the sequence, jumping over the cart on the rail. I guess they move the dragon around a little dodging the flying cars? Then they land, and he fights 3 enemies. That sequence of course is impressive to look at, but from a gameplay perspective, would feel no better to me than playing a CoD scripted sequence where I start out crashing through a jungle in a Jeep, into a dark cave then outside the far side into an office building and city streets. It's just a scripted cinematic scene made to look cool and impressive, but gameplay wise offers next to nothing. So i thought I was missing something reading some of the stuff I was reading about it. Then I saw this exchange on Twitter and it just reiterated what I had thought. There is no evidence of actual world flipping or interesting gameplay mechanics, but rather so far just scripted faster loading sequences. That was my only comment. Was there any mention from the developers in their interviews about ti being used in other ways, or just what we've seen so far in the gameplay footage so far. Will the player have the freedom to jump from portal to portal at their choosing in some form. If not, that's cool. Its early in the generation and I don't think it's to be expected they will be going too crazy with all the new toys they have to work with right away. I just thought I was missing something in the demo based off some of the reactions I was reading on Twitter about how blown away people were from the extended gameplay demo.
  16. You're probably right it'll do minimal ray tracing, but it's literally cheaper than an Xbox One X and just barely more expensive than a Xbox One S. Why in the hell would anyone just get an Xbox One.
  17. I don't disagree that the scripted sequence at that speed isn't possible on current gen hardware. My concern is from a gameplay perspective, if that's the only implementation, it does little to push the game forward in my opinion other than from a visual standpoint. It looks cool to jump from world to world like that, but experiencing it as a player, on such a tight on rails segment, wouldn't improve my experience much from any other on rails cinematic sequence. I am just hoping to see gameplay implementation in the forms of a Titanfall 2, or Portal but jumping to different worlds in real time gameplay segments controlled by the player.
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