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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. Well BFV isnt free. At this point all it can do it help BFV though. I still think it'll be a worthwhile BR cause Battlefield does some some amazing gameeplay.
  2. I am mixed on it so far. I like some of the chnages, world does feel more alive with more random stuff to do. But at the same time, it feels a bit boring to be doing all of it. Gameplay just isnt interesting enough maybe, I hope the full release changes that a bit. I did notice u can add mods to ur Skills as well, which is cool. Still do look forward to playing the full release.
  3. Cmon you know if you dont knock the guy, yo dont get credit for the kill. If you do a lot of damage and ur teammate gets the knocking blow it displays on ur screen as an assisted knock, looks like u gotthe knock when you didnt. Lots of times i think i got akill when i didnt, my damn teammates stole the last few shots to get credit.
  4. There is a founders and starters pack as well. @Keyser_Soze I really love this game. Between Apex and Anthem for me EA is having a hell of a quarter.
  5. Its the Division all right. Played a bit. + I'd say the guns feel heavier with better audio and punch. + Graphics are nice and more colorful compared to the boring NYC color palette. + Some nice additions to the base/world building and progression. More than 1 Base/Settlement to upgrade. + Seems like there will be a lot more content to do daily/weekly, more missions within each settlement to do. +More worthwhile to explore so far it seems, lots more to scavenge and find, more crates with weapons and what not. Hopefully they respawn, I remember the first game crates on the world map were one time things. + While early I like the new armor/health system. You are a bit more squishy but that’s a good thing in my opinion. Makes you play a bit more tactical and smart. Same for enemies. - Skills thus far seem pretty much identical to first game. - Map didnt strike me as being too big unless what it shown isn't the whole map? - Traversal feels more clunky compared to more recent games. Not being able to scale some walls or jump down other areas for no real apparent reason is just annoying when you have games like Anthem where movement freedom is so rewarding. So far its more of the same, but thats not a terrible thing. Looking forward to 8 man Raids, and all the other content they've added to this.
  6. Ive watched some "competitive" PUBG games. Many times scoring isnt set up just as a Last Man standing wins format. It also incorporates kills into scoring, so if a team is more aggressive they benefit from killing more. Camping and making it to the end can net you points, but simply being last alive is not always the focus. I've also tried watching Halo and CoD Competitive games, and they are pretty hard to follow trying to jump from vantage point to vantage point constantly. BR's being slightly slower in their nature can be easier to follow with a good production and shout-casting team. And if you do miss a good fight, again if you have a good team producing the tourney, they can show the replay of fights they miss during a lull in the action 3 more wins on APEX last night. Thought we had a 4th in the bag but blew it cause we were overconfident.
  7. Do you play mostly solo? The anxiety aspect of running solo changes a lot playing Duos or with a Squad.
  8. If you think all BR's move and play the same you clearly haven't played many BR's, which you've admitted. The big BR's that come to mind are Fortnite, Blackout, PUBG, and to a lesser extent Realm Royale. And now there's Apex Legends. They all are so damned different, to say they are all alike is like saying Halo and Battlefield are the same game. I can completely understand why some hate BR's, if I was a solo only player I wouldn't really play them much, I've never enjoyed solos in BR's. I do love Duos or Squads though. Also, not to say anyone here isn't good at games, but if you're not great at games in general, or the specific BR, the yeah, you're not gonna have a good time and will hate them.. You die and you're out, you're not gonna feel good about the game if you hardly get to participate. BR's have basically killed my interest in traditional multiplayer. Not having any stakes on living or dying in regular TDM's modes is boring. They are fun for a few minutes but ultimately just not really enough to keep me caring too long, where as the intensity of BR's and the thrill of winning drives me to wanting to keep improving. To each their own though, but I cant wait for Battlefields BR in a few months, and hopefully we get more great unique takes on the genre.
  9. This is a really good BR. It does so many smart things that I think other BR's may incorporate. I also feel like the TTK being a little higher is nice. Battles feel a bit more drawn out and strategic, with abilities and other things really coming into play. I have no idea if it'll have long term legs like some of the other good BR's, but I dont see why not. Like Fortnite, they are playing in a sci fi space, where they can add anything they want to drastically change the way the game plays. Any crazy item or weapons are all fair play. Something PUBG and CoD to an extent are stuck dealing with. They also can just keep adding more "Legends" to keep it feeling fresh. I really look forward to see where this game goes. Good on Respawn. And this is another reason why i dont get the BR hate, and the "They are just cashing in on BR". BR is an amazing concept of a game mode that can be taken to so many different places with so much variety. Each one is so unique in how they play, and I love we are getting more and more of them. *And its nice to have a game release like this. So many games these days.... ahem Anthem and Division..... we get so many damn game previews and dev talks and blah blah blah that you kind of get fatigued on the game. Its nice to have a game announced and then release and just let everyone play it.
  10. I loved my time with it. When you’re squad wins, the next round has you’re squad plastered all over the banners around the map. The announcers calling out Kill Leaders being killed is cool too. Feels very Hunger Ganes like. I didn’t play for too long but got an 8 kill win!
  11. Yeah I'm probably done as well. I read a preview recently, and it kind of sounds like they want sporadic things to happen pretty regularly in the game. We were talking about this in Discord yesterday regarding the Marshmellow Concert, but if a company can do what Fortnite is doing with the constantly evolving map and random live events happening that change the game world, so it always slightly different, and keeps people coming back to see what might be happening. I know they are not major changes, and nothing crazy in depth story wise, but in a constantly online multiplayer only game like this, having a constantly evolving story being told daily through little changes I think could do wonders. Like tomorrow you log on, and suddenly there's some new mining camp set up with new NPCs u can interact with that tell a story about how they think they've discovered something and are digging down. Then a few days later you log in and its evolved into something more with maybe a few new caves that were never there before to explore. Then they announce that in a few days at a certain time they think they'll hit paydirt, and anyone that is online at that time witnesses them break through to a whole new area to explore with maybe some crazy new encounter with a unique cosmetic reward or whatever for only those that were Live at that time to experience it. I think small things like that would really create the feeling of a living world that is constantly changing.
  12. So a "Storm" spawned in Free Mode now, and there are Beasts that have appeared. Seems akin to a special Live Events they'll have that happen during the game. I just logged and am checking it out. Well the message of the day said monsters had appeared and are roaming.... but im not sure we can get to where they all are at. Ehh mightve already ended, not really sure what it was all about.
  13. To play Colossus as intended you need to find and equip Colossus specific Mods. It really boosts the Armor and Shields huge. Makes such a difference.
  14. Okay getting much more comfortable with the Colossus and kinda loving it. He puts out so much damage when you know how to combo the abilities.
  15. For sure. My biggest complaint about Destiny 1 was that each class played pretty much identical. I was shocked the first time when I went from Hunter to Titan to Warlock, and all movement and combat abilities and grenadess all were more or less identical. Then seeing the building of each character within it's class options was so limited too. Cookie Cutter builds with barely any variety. Then when Destiny 2 came out I was hoping they'd address it, and it felt identical. So far, it feels like they nailed the unique feel of each in Anthem. I really look forward to seeing the full package now. *Having 6 mod slots avaialbe, (I think it was 6) will also add a lot of tough choices, and the fact you can stack the same mods. I've also noticed a lot of what the developers mention is "At Launch". Like right now each class seems to only have a choice of 2 Support abilities each, but they say at launch. The way they have them as simple items that are equipable make its so they can hopefully add more options quickly as the game lives on, just expanding on the variety of builds. Also the engagement of the entire development team on Twitter thus far has been very good. They have been responding to people bringing up bugs pretty quickly. Makes me have a lot of hope for the post launch support being on point.
  16. I plan on putting in time with all the classes, they all play uniquely so it's fun to play. Doing the same Stronghold feels pretty unique depending on my Javelin which is cool As the Interceptor I largely flanked around the outskirts taking out the snipers and trying to take out the Turrets with my freeze glaive and melee's. As the Ranger I kind of stayed more central and supported the Colussus's with extra firepower to take down enemies that they were aggroing. As the Colussus I kind of slowly progressed into the zone trying to take enemies down one by one. I'll try the Storm later. As I got more comfortable with each class, they all were fun in their unique way. - Nevermind, the Colussus specific Mods have huge boosts in Shield and Armor, which really helps him perform as intended.
  17. I have seen a decent mix of Colossus in my teams as well, last night when I ran the Stronghold there were 2 of us in there. I'd say thus far its the highest learning curve, just because mobility is used so much to avoid damage, that he def requires a whole different thought process. As I said, by the end of the match, I felt a lot more comfortable. I also haven't messed around with many builds for him as well. What I do love is all 3 of the classes I played so far were all so drastically different. My biggest complaint about Destiny was each class felt identical. The core of the game is there for me, now can the execute on the content and end game? I know they promised all future content to be free due to the Micro-transactions for cosmetics. Hopefully they keep new stuff coming out quick.
  18. If anyone on Xbox wants to run m the stronghold on Hard just @ me here or add me on Xbox. I ran through the stronghold with the Colussus last night and it was by far my hardest run. I was just so used to dodging that the Shield kept messing me up. By the end of it I was way more comfortable.
  19. They already said they are aware of this and will have a fix. You on Xbox? I only played on Hard on all the demo. It’s tough but not crazy. Does require teamwork.to teamfire enemies. I did the Hard Stringhold with both an Interceptor and Ranger. Such a different experience each time. Interceptor is essily my go to. I feel I can solo the best with that class. Ranger I def needed help to take down tougher enemies.
  20. Yeah the core shooting mechanics aren’t like Destinys cause the gunplay isn’t the focus, the abilities and movement are the focus. I fired up Destiny after playing last weekend and it felt so slow and limited compared to Anthem. My my main complaint thus far is Free Roam needs way more stuff to do. I’m sure cause it’s a demo it’s ratger limited, but there’s just not enough events and enemies that spawn to keep it fun. Exploring the world is cool but I wish there’d be a mini map cause it’s easy to get turned around when flying around.
  21. I won’t watch those, want to go into this with fresh eyes. I already am sold on it.
  22. Yup, what I expected. The 1st game was so amazing cause it offered something new at the time, for me at least. The superhuman feeling of jumping as high as buildings and progressively building up your character. Now there are so many games that do that, that it'll be hard to really get that same feeling of awe. Still plan to play it, especially if it has fun co-op.
  23. Unless something changes drastically, Interceptor is definitely gonna be my main. So much fun. I actually hardly use my 2 Guns when I play as an Interceptor. My LB/RB skills along with Melee and dodging is all I really need. I only use Guns occasionally when needed.
  24. 100% this, even watching the Devs walk through, a lot of it was just them standing and shooting... I guess it depends on the actual Javelin you're rocking, but when I play with the Interceptor, man its so damn fun to be jumping constantly all over the place, using the triple dodge to scoot around the battlefield and flank enemies. Just so much going on its so engaging and fun. I really hope they have some really really challenging and team centric missions that really force everyone to work together to pass tasks. The Stronghold was difficult, but it wasnt that difficult, even on hard. I know thats not the ultimate end game activity, but it is one of the top tier end game activities. I just think the game has a ton of potential righ tnow, and really hope they have so much content to let us really dive into it for a long time. It sounds like they are in for the long haul, and their communicating thus far has been very transparent and engaging, so I'm very hopeful.
  25. One of the developers tweeted it was just turned off in the VIP Demo. Sounded like it’ll be in regularly.
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