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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. The "tough guy" needs to be on the top of the ticket so he/she can make Trump look weak and small during the debates. Beto had 47 opportunities to make Cruz look like a cuck on stage and refused to do it.
  2. I've got a head cold and therefore haven't really slept in 3 days. Her singing A Whole New World has been stuck in my head since yesterday, send help.
  3. Looks like May's Deal might get a 3rd vote after Parliament by 4 votes passed a non-binding motion rejecting No Deal under any circumstances. Parliament is going to vote on an extension tomorrow which the EU might outright veto or demand a heavy price (which Parliament then might reject). That'll bring No Deal Brexit within a week forcing Parliament to accept May's Deal or withdraw Article 50. Given those options the hard Brexit MPs might be forced to vote for May's Deal or lose Brexit completely. May's Government is done by April, right? Assuming no extension.
  4. At what point does Elizabeth step in and stop the madness? Isn't that partially the point of the monarchy?
  5. The left has some crazies, sure, but the critical difference is the left's 'crazy' have zero political power compared to the right who've got their crazy in Congress and White House.
  6. The far more likely scenario over regulation is these companies no longer bother trying to be "fair" and just do dark with a policy of "if you cause us a problem, you're gone".
  7. I watched, Rogan actually turned on Pool at the end when Pool mentioned he's purchased a van for when the civil war starts and said the entire controversy was completely overblown basically calling Pool a fool.
  8. Okay? It's a private company. If Twitter were to enact "free speech", it would lose it's advertising revenue and go out of business, meaning it have to be subsidized by tax payers.
  9. I'm curious if anyone is going to adopt Medicare Extra for All as their alternative to Bernie's Medicare for All. It's got some stuff I like (Federal Long Term Care Services with no waitlists, income, or asset limit, FUCK YES), but the funding mechanism is ACA style complicated (income based premiums, deductibles, and copays) and let's employers keep employer based insurance (compared to M4A which is completely funded by taxes). The 8 year implementation period is also a huge issue with it.
  10. Why does South Carolina have a say in the Democratic Primary? Delegate count per state and calendar position should be based how tight the prior election was (swing states get more delegates and go first, blow out states, win or lose, have less and go last).
  11. Jordan is already starting with the conspiracy theories.
  12. All during his bigly summit with Kim which will get significantly less coverage now.
  13. So they went with the least stupid option but are still moving forward with the most stupid option (Department of the Space Force).
  14. The characters do suck but Season 3 did move the ball forward and has an interesting overall story.
  15. What is the advantage of keeping rich kids out? Is the bureaucracy needed to keep rich kids out worth it, especially since lower income students will fall though the cracks because they were unaware aid existed? That bureaucracy would probably cost more than just letting rich kids in. The current aid system screws over people because of dependent status. Tuition free is simple, clean, can't be messed with by future GOP Congresses. Tuition Free would likely lead to fewer going to college since colleges would lose willingness to go to into debt as a means to gatekeep, I'm okay with this. I went to an okay regional university and my freshman class was loaded with kids who should not have been there, as evident by the freshman drop out rate, even though the freshman gen ed classes attempted to make up for NC Public Schools. This would finally force us to address K-12 since we can't just grind them through the university system. I would adopt the Early College model nationwide. Students earn an Associates or Vocational Certification while doing High School. My niece applied for it here and they take 10 kids from each 20th percentile based on Applications score, so it's not just the top students. Any degree program and class is available to them totally free, even books.
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