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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. I'd be okay with us pulling back to Bagram Air Base. This is different from Syria, the Kurds deserve our help, the Afghans.....
  2. So we have a President who can't be trusted with a simple charity (raise money, distribute said money to actual charities), but can be trusted with nuclear weapons. God bless America
  3. It's more laziness than actively deciding to stay home and not vote (or vote Trump out of spite). If it's not someone they buy into, they won't show up. 2008 and 2012 were about inspiration, this election is not that. AOC is popular because she's got an slightly pissed off "look at this bullshit" streak to her. That's what it's going to take to get progressives to show up.
  4. You're not going to talk the progressive wing of the party to show up by shaming them to show up, you should be able to, but you can't. So by logic the only way to unify the party is to find a progressive. The Republicans figured this shit out a long time ago. In my mind the progressive test isn't M4A, it's no big donors, I think they'd show up for a democratic conservative so long as he was clean and had a spine.
  5. Is Jacob Rees-Mogg a twat? I'm watching the BBC and need a primer on UK politics.
  6. But is he willing to take that risk and the problem returns in 2024. The Republicans and Pence won't do it during the 2020 or 2024 transition, it doesn't benefit them. But if he resigns before 20 then he could make a deal with Pence to "go away" in exchange for the pardon and endorsement. One way or another, Trump is going to be the most politically active former President ever. The Republicans aren't going to want him defacto controlling the party through Twitter and MAGA rallies forever. Trump in jail and off Twitter benefits the Republican Party since it returns control of the party to the Jebs of the GOP. A democratic DoJ is the best outcome for the GOP, they can rally the base by crying victim and Trump is off Twitter. Trump making a deal with Pence is the only other way for Trump to get out clean.
  7. My brain is running through scenarios. Let's say there is no impeachment or he survives it. DoJ policy is they don't indict a sitting President, If Trump loses in 2020, he's now open to indictments. Would Trump risk "norms" protecting him once out of office, or would he resign ahead of 2020 in exchange for a pardon from Pence?
  8. I'm jumping the gun, but could McConnell pull a Merrick Garland on an Impeachment trial?
  9. By not cooperating? Wouldn't that be a reason to take all his money?
  10. Is Cohen protecting someone? Why potentially burn Trump regarding Russia by cooperating with Mueller but not cooperate with SDNY regarding the non Russia stuff?
  11. Narrative for who though? There are no moderate swing voters this deep into politics. The only ones offended by this are full MAGA already.
  12. They did a million Benghazi hearings, can't we get at least 1?
  13. https://www.transfermaster.com/blog/view-post/Eddie-Ndopu-Set-to-Become-First-Wheelchair-User-to-Go-to-Space And an SMAbro too! This smells like Richard Branson's company.
  14. Fox just praised Trump for showing up. The bar is so low now.
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