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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. My mom has a sore throat and cough... If it is COVID she either got it last weekend from our neighbors or my Dad brought it home from the grocery store on Wednesday. My Dad and I have no symptoms of any kind. She's getting tested tomorrow.
  2. Maybe this whole nursing home thing is a bad idea... If only there was a thing in the Reconciliation bill to clear Medicaid HCBS waiting lists...
  3. Why not break the bill up into pieces that can be voted on individually? Force them to vote down the Child Tax Credit, then Climate, then SSI, then HCBS. Make the issue the policies not the price tag.
  4. Part of me wonders if one of these lawsuits will never go forward since providers first have to do an abortion.
  5. I think it's because courts can't overturn laws, only the enforcement. Without a State Official enforcing the law, it has to wait until someone sues a provider, then it'll work its way through the courts.
  6. Raleigh has housing? A family friend in Raleigh just sold their house after getting 17 offers, winning bid threw in NFL season tickets.
  7. The troops that were pulled weren't holding Kabul AFAIK, they were most at Bagram. Once the government collapsed, it took 7 infantry battalions (plus the Turks and Brits) to hold the airport. Preventing looting in Kabul would have taken WAY more and without the perimeter to keep suicide bombers back. The only thing I think that could have been done differently was using Bagram as leverage. Tell the Taliban that we'll be finished when we're finished or we'll retake Bagram and keep it indefinitely (look at all the pressure our President is under on CNN).
  8. The long term success of my relationship is very much contingent on this bill passing, very weird feeling.
  9. My insurance pays (post negotiation) $368k for a drug that wholesales for $125k from the drug company. Medicaid only pays $135k.
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