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Everything posted by johnny

  1. The over under was around 118 since Saturday so that’s not surprising
  2. Wow 644 dollars for that blocked seat. I’d be livid.
  3. Yes, her shoulders coming up is the botch. They meant to end it like that but Rousey doesn’t keep her shoulders down for the 3 count.
  4. If Brock and Rollins were the main event it wouldn’t have been 3 minutes lol
  5. Mania is way too fucking long. The crowd was fucking tired by the end of Mania. The girls put on a good match but some of them were sitting there for 7 and a half hours. Ronda botched the ending but that's not what sucks, it's that the finish was supposed to be a glorified roll up to end wrestle mania. Let Becky get a clean pin or tap to win. Don't close out the show on some bullshit like that.
  6. Kofimania and the IIconics (the only actual tag team in the match) winning made it a good Mania imo. Hopefully the IIconics get some burn with the titles because they were great in NXT.
  7. This shit is starting to drag. So many more matches to go. Hopefully Shane does something absolutely crazy.
  8. I’ll talk about it but The only thing I’ve watched since last Mania was the royal rumble.
  9. If the main product sucks dick people are going to be less likely to watch nxt 🤷‍♂️
  10. I really liked it. It’s probably just me but it felt pretty long. As somebody who knows nothing about the character that was a nice twist at the end.
  11. 1. Education needs to be invested in from preschool and up and 2. dare I say we need good parents. I don’t buy into the whole family values conservative mumbo jumbo but people need to be better parents. I work with kids and you can usually tell who has good parents and shitty parents (or parents who mean well but are stretched too thin by their daily struggle to provide). Improve number 1 and number 2 will improve.
  12. Every in n out I’ve been to has a bucket of salt packets so you can choose how much salt you want on them
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