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Everything posted by johnny

  1. That was pretty good. I didn’t like the beginning but once blockbuster makes its triumphant return I really enjoyed it. Brie Larson was fantastic and anybody who hates on her is a punk ass bitch
  2. Maybe but it’s a “have to see in theatre” movie. If you never saw it in the theatre, it’s not the same. You can watch it at home if you’ve seen it previously in a theatre and not lose much, but if you didn’t watch it when it was playing it’s definitely not as good. In my opinion a movie like that loses points. Watching it on a 32” screen is a waste of time. Edit- should probably clarify that every movie is better in theatre, but some lose a LOT less than others when you watch it at home. You lose a lot with Dunkirk.
  3. It did. It was very simple but it told it effectively. Same thing with Mad Max Fury Road. I’m not demanding an Oscar quality script from every movie. Fuck I probably like Alita Battle Angel more than most on this board and its story is messy.
  4. Yeah it is too much to expect a good story. Lmao get out
  5. Got my ticket for Saturday. Would go tomorrow but have other plans.
  6. Ah, the organization started by a guy that went to my college at the same time as me and they refused to do anything to him despite most of the student body wanting him expelled for his beliefs and actions. Trash
  7. What hate??? America is so fucking dumb. I don’t know exactly what’s in the Bible but Christians tell me they support Israel because of something in there when I know for a fact they don’t even go to church. Pelosi went from “hey she’s not doing too bad” to completely shitting the bed. She wants to “unite the country” (lol) but will just continue to widen the divide. omar is getting fucking rooked
  8. They’re all bad and I wouldn’t be able to reconcile with that person if it happened.
  9. Dude, I still cry when watching it. I watched it a few weeks ago and needed some tissue.
  10. I misread this and was thinking of Merc’s post that Hereditary was second best behind Mandy. I liked Mandy more than Halloween but it’s definitely not better than Hereditary
  11. Dan Murrell from screen junkies is easily my favorite reviewer. I don’t even agree with him on everything but he legitimately looks at films like a critic and tries to use that to relate it to hardcore and casual moviegoers. His opinion isn’t what’s important though, it’s how he breaks down the elements of the movie and assesses all of those. His biggest issues with Captain Marvel lie in the direction and script/story.
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