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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Yes, when we had a racist as the Republican nominee and he was able to attack Sanders lol. The concerns for black Americans run skin deep, or else he might concern himself with actual policies designed to benefit them instead of trying to will Sanders into being a racist.
  2. When you view black people and women as things you can argue in the moment but not have actual opinions about, yes.
  3. It's been addressed; at this point, nobody knows what you're arguing. I'm also not sure there's anybody on the board who agrees with your judge of character. It's hard to talk with you since you keep making things up and doubling down on fake news, and it strikes of immaturity when you go after people only because they no longer support the same person you do. tbh, with your sudden concern for the plight of African Americans to your concern about women in 2016, I'm looking forward to when COVID-19 passes to see how you handle the Biden rape accusations when they're front and center.
  4. Definitely Grim Fandango, and let me echo @Ghost_MH Some of the puzzles have very clever solutions. Too clever. So it'll make sense and make you chuckle after you use a guide for those parts. Hell, I had to refer to a guide for half of it for puzzles that were well beyond anything I could think of. It's an extremely charming game, though, and it is fun when you do figure out the other half of the game.
  5. A Safer-At-Home policy is in effect in South Florida (Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties).
  6. From not a whit to, "But it was three sentences!" What will his excuse be tomorrow? I'm starting to wonder if you have any black friends. That would explain why you consider this blaming the "black electorate," instead of being introspective as to why so many black Democrats think the Democratic Party isn't changing things for them even under Obama and under candidates you like. Because if you knew even 7 black people, you'd know that this isn't controversial, and that we're to blame for calling them a firewall and not producing results, like the dreaded left-wing policies of criminal justice reform and civil rights protections.
  7. I think it's very likely Biden's association as Obama's VP is more tangible and recognizable than Hillary's as Sec of State in his first term and probably more meaningful.
  8. Bernie has a much better history on criminal justice than Biden, and the support of the bill was significantly more complicated than the Clintons, who touted the whole thing. Props to Biden for that provision. In 1991, Bernie on the death penalty: It's not just the crime bill; these are issues all of my black friends/acquaintances with whom I've talked politics bring up, and Bernie was 1000 times ahead of the game (and on busing). Biden may have it better, though. Doesn't look like resentment toward Biden's 1970s busing policies exists and many trust him because Obama also trusted him. Least that's what I've been told. I hope it's not another 2016 where the person who attracts more black voters under their tent can't do the same in the general.
  9. It already happened in 2016. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/many-in-milwaukee-neighborhood-didnt-vote-and-dont-regret-it.html?auth=-google1tap I'm sure someone like that will be very happy with Biden.
  10. You can just put stuff in chests and they'll be accessible throughout the game.
  11. We beat it! Even with an inexperienced gamer for a partner, you can still win with plenty of time to spare. Just gotta get that system down.
  12. I was reading news that I guess I'll put behind spoilers? I didn't see you guys talk about it so don't click if you don't want to.
  13. Basically, Resident Evil 4 did not play like classic Resident Evil because of the lackluster sales of the Remake. So he added more action to the fourth installment.
  14. The director himself disagrees with you. It didn't sell well.
  15. From my understanding, REmake was not a success. That's why it went from GC exclusive to RE4 releasing on the PS2. RE just didn't do well, and I still have never figured out if the RE2/3 remakes that were reported on back then were the result of mistranslations or if they were planning on doing them until REmake underwhelmed.
  16. Oh, I know all that stuff at the end; that's what is so amazing to me. Gamecube was more powerful, but with the consoles releasing just two years apart, the difference was still pretty astounding. I feel like DC and PS2 more resemble each other, with GC and Xbox being able to show better texture work that was in a different league at the time. Not sure if RE4 had pre-rendered backgrounds or not, but that looked lovely on the GC. I'd expect a big difference in different gens or even the beginning and end of a generation, but it's still stunning to see that kind of difference in the look of the characters in the span of two years in one generation. If DC survived, I feel like we would have seen its age much, much earlier, in addition to its one analog stick feeling dated for FPS games.
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