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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Opposite! I finished all optional fights in ff7 and am 30 hours into Persona. Gotta say: FF7 may have the soundtrack of the generation. There are multiple battle themes, and nearly all are fantastic. The new stuff is actually very good (love the Ghoul piece), and the old music brought to orchestra and remixes of the old stuff are so lovely to listen to. I also never got the true ending in the original. Do you have to ng+ and max all relationships?
  2. Finished the movie. We had an old DVD, so our version was the theatrical cut. We watched the other ending on Youtube, which apparently is the default on Blu-Ray and streaming. And we couldn't figure out why? The theatrical cut seems like a better conclusion.
  3. Huh. We're watching it on DVD. How does it have two endings? There are a few jump scares, but you're right. I figured it wouldn't be overwhelming when I saw it was "psychological horror." I guess the best way to describe it is it's perpetually creepy.
  4. Apparently this was before things got ugly and rocks were thrown.
  5. Uproars are happening in Florida as well, I think in Tampa and St Pete. The emotion and anger at this seems so much more palpable than the ones from the past few years, maybe since Ferguson? For this one, I'm trying to focus on family videos/pictures on FB because the news is upsetting. Obviously the stuff is happening no matter how much or how little anyone's paying attention, but at a certain point -- especially being in this field -- you have to detach from the news from time to time.
  6. We had to stop the film because she was called out to work, but we were REALLY into the film. We got to the point where he was at the post office and everyone "destroyed" the room back to 1408, followed by, "I WAS OUT!!!! I WAS OUT!!!!" We're going to finish the movie Sunday morning, but some stray thoughts: We both noticed it got really evil, really quickly. From chocolate on the pillow to a neverending series of bricks outside and someone trying to hack him. We're not sure yet and probably will know by the end of the movie (or at least it'll be left ambiguous), but she brought up the possibility that Samuel L Jackson's character is a ghost. We didn't think much of it at the time, but the woman got a manager to speak with Mike and instead of the guy she approached, Jackson's character appears. Then they go into a room to speak in private. It seemed like he was some kind of good spirit who was trying to warn him, and then when Mike exited the elevator and another one opened down the hall -- an empty one -- it was like one last chance to go back before entering the room. It's creepy but some of it is "funny" to us, just in the sense of how absurd the events are and the kind of things that he's experiencing that are preventing him from leaving. Yeah, we know it's not really supposed to be funny (though I did laugh when the ghost version of him winked on the computer), but this room is an evil sumbitch. Guess my final thoughts will come Sunday once we finish the last 20 minutes. It's fun and very interesting so far!
  7. Thanks, man. It does suck a lot, and while I don't expect that I would get this fully covered, I'm hoping this puts a dent on it to make it manageable. I've been backing stuff up for well over a decade, and this is the first time it was all on one drive. And the drive was so new, and I was so close to getting a second that I can't believe the drive crapping out timed out like this. Most expensive mistake I've ever made.
  8. The fact that the low thousands is actually normal for hardware with physical damage blows my mind. The fact that several thousand is normal for one with physical damage reinserts my blown mind and then destroys it again. I can't tell if you're just joking or half serious, but all my porn's on my computer, not my drive. My drive has a ton of personal photos and videos that can't be bought. =\
  9. Regular data recovery can be over $1000 for media damage (I asked multiple people in the field and who have gotten services). With mine, there are quite a bit of damage in it, and while I don't know exactly what they do, it's a very precise process apparently. I wish $1200 was the high end for my problem, but it's apparently the low end.
  10. That late version was actually harder WITH help because inevitably, at least one person would die. But when you fight a boss with multiple people, the boss has more health, so now you're left fighting a tougher boss by yourself. Yeesh, that fucker. Defiled Watchdog was a masterpiece of gaming, though. One hit and you could be dead, but it wasn't a cheap boss; you just needed to pay as close attention as possible because nothing was impossible to avoid. The final boss in the dungeon was a lot of fun with three people.
  11. Exactly my experience. I got a plat on Bloodborne and its expansion, so yeah, I played through the Chalice Dungeons. Multiple times, actually! Going through it with friends or just random people was amazing. When I first did them, I figured out how to make a dungeon late-game, so I was kicking ass, beat the boss in a few hits, and I'm like, "What was that?" But when I played through the game again and went through the dungeons throughout the experience, it was so much more rewarding. I helped @madmankevin get a plat in the game by helping with the dungeons. Good times.
  12. I guess the difference this time is Trump's the one in charge during the unrest, not the one running against an incumbent party.
  13. The best feeling this generation was beating a boss in Bloodborne, with the pinnacle being Defiled Watchdog. I have Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition sitting around that I need to get, but I honestly want to return to Bloodborne first. I just love the fuck out of that game. I played 2 and liked it, but I don't see myself returning to that anytime soon.
  14. The place I sent it to when I made the GoFundMe said they felt they couldn't get anything back after they did an evaluation. The one I sent it to right after said something similar. But I finally found a data recovery company that is feeling good about getting the data back. It's just that it's going to be very, very difficult. So the quote: $4330 Fuck. I again wouldn't ask it if weren't important. All of you who did donate: you're awesome. Even if it was just $10, that donation from everyone I know could pay for two of these. This will be my second plea for a donation, as the quote is only good for three days (I can see if I can extend it but don't know what their policy is). If this stuff doesn't come back, there's nowhere it's going to be.
  15. Good news: After sending it to three other companies, a data recovery company in Florida is confident they can get the data back after evaluating the drive. Flabbergasting news: I was warned by other data recovery companies that this may happen. Because of the damage to the drive, the quote is astronomical -- $4330. O___O Good God. I kept thinking about what the contents of the drive mean to me, and truth be told, the stuff that's there is never, ever coming back if I don't recover it. So much of it is personal. So I'm going to ask others if they can help, even if it's a small donation. I don't expect ANY of you to donate any more than you have; I'm honestly still taken aback in the best way possible that every single one of you, no matter how big or small, opened up your wallets to help a poor sap. If I can't raise a decent enough money to limit how bad it'll be for me, then I may have to hold onto the drive and hope things work out later. If I do raise the money and they can't recover anything, I won't be charged at all, which means all of you will promptly receive a refund and more warm thanks for trying to help. Wish me luck, guys and gals. I am not happy with the quote, even though I feared this may happen being the fourth company I sent it to (the last two didn't even quote me as they said they couldn't get anything back if they tried). But I have nothing to lose by trying to get more help. Good Lord, this is more than I ever thought it'd be. >_< Any help, even a small donation, would help to make the hit I'm going to take not be as bad. Many thanks.
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