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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Murkowski brushes off Trump's threat to campaign against her after she said she's unsure if she'll vote for Trump: Colin Powell endorsed Obama in 08 and 12 and voted for Hillary in 16, all in October, but I've never seen him endorse this early. He also admonished Congressional Republicans.
  2. LeBron James responds to Laura Ingraham after she said Drew Brees is entitled to his opinion, must have some worth, and her guest says he's a good Christian man, while she told LeBron to shut up and dribble for having his opinion.
  3. Okay, I'll bite: Why is it so puzzling that their games are great and people then think they're great? His user name is Bloodporne; I'm sure he doesn't think scores for that were inflated. They're the only developer that you say this for, and being talented developers with a healthy publishing pipeline when working outside of WWS is never your first thought. It's conspiracy theories involving reviewers along with conspiracy theories that Sony is paying Epic to lie about the PS5. It's weird. Do you think Nintendo's scores are inflated? Rockstar? CD Projekt RED?
  4. People do really creative stuff, and there's a steady flow of content. It's great to pick up and play in short bursts, and if you want to make something, the sky's the limit. I play it every now and again and some of the creations are really impressive. It's worth it, especially for that price.
  5. Cynics are weird though I'm sure he felt aroused posting that. Example: Shawn Layden, formerly of Sony, talked about the Pulse Shooting at E3 2016 and how the company stood four-square with the LGBTQ community. He actually attends Pride parades. Plenty of these people are human and actually care about shit, and as we see on any message board, poor/middle class fuckers will still be on the wrong side of history.
  6. wat I've seen nothing but glowing previews every time people get a chance to play it. Is the controversy story-related (haven't read a thing)?
  7. 6/1 UPDATE: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-last-of-us-part-2-preview-shockingly-ruthless/1100-6477918/ https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/01/last-us-part-2-hands-preview-love-hate-seattle-12787736/ https://www.standard.co.uk/tech/gaming/last-of-us-part-2-first-impressions-ellie-a4456301.html https://www.theverge.com/21274923/the-last-of-us-part-2-accessibility-features-naughty-dog-interview-ps4 https://www.gamereactor.eu/the-last-of-us-part-ii-final-impressions/ https://www.trustedreviews.com/reviews/the-last-of-us-2 https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/06/hands_on_the_last_of_us_2s_firefights_are_fraught_uncomfortable_fantastic https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-06-01-new-enemies-new-abilities-and-new-details-hands-on-with-the-last-of-us-part-2
  8. Opposite! I finished all optional fights in ff7 and am 30 hours into Persona. Gotta say: FF7 may have the soundtrack of the generation. There are multiple battle themes, and nearly all are fantastic. The new stuff is actually very good (love the Ghoul piece), and the old music brought to orchestra and remixes of the old stuff are so lovely to listen to. I also never got the true ending in the original. Do you have to ng+ and max all relationships?
  9. Finished the movie. We had an old DVD, so our version was the theatrical cut. We watched the other ending on Youtube, which apparently is the default on Blu-Ray and streaming. And we couldn't figure out why? The theatrical cut seems like a better conclusion.
  10. Huh. We're watching it on DVD. How does it have two endings? There are a few jump scares, but you're right. I figured it wouldn't be overwhelming when I saw it was "psychological horror." I guess the best way to describe it is it's perpetually creepy.
  11. Apparently this was before things got ugly and rocks were thrown.
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