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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Samuel E Wright: Tributes paid to actor who voiced crab in The Little Mermaid WWW.BBC.COM The actor and singer voiced Sebastian and sang Under The Sea in Disney's 1989 animated favourite.
  2. California and US agree to allow big offshore wind farms APNEWS.COM LOS ANGELES (AP) — California and the U.S. government announced an agreement Tuesday to open up areas off the state's central and northern coasts to the first commercial wind energy farms on the Pacific Coast.
  3. You know, time flowing doesn't weird me out as much anymore (but the fact that it goes so quickly I still don't like lol), but with the re-releases Skyrim has gotten, it certainly didn't feel as old as Morrowind did when Skyrim released. The thing I actually find most interesting is we're now two generations from Skyrim, whereas that nine year gap was just one!
  4. The reason I think this is because the way they phrase this stuff seems different than in 09/10. This was Senator Dick Durbin today: "There are two reasons we ought to think twice about $1 trillion or anything less. The first, of course, is that it would cut out money for research, innovation, creating new businesses, for example, chip manufacturing in the united states with american workers. Things that are essential to the growth of our economy. So we'd leave those on the table if we come and low ball the figure. And secondly, the bottom line is this. If we are going to move forward in this economy, we need to do it on a bipartisan basis to get it done. President Biden has reached out to the republicans over and over again to try to reach some compromise. I think he is right to do that, but at some point we have to move forward." Which is exactly what the Biden administration is saying: if inaction is inevitable, we're changing course. This isn't the language/strategy I remember employed with Obama. If there's one thing we should have learned in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2020 (2019 didn't really have anything unexpected that I recall), it's that nobody should predict anything more than maybe a week in advance, and sometimes I think we shouldn't predict anything until a few hours in advance. Let's keep it that way, please.
  5. I read this piece yesterday and I recommend people read it because it's a good piece that details the years-long plans from Sony Pictures and Sony Interactive to get more movies based on SIE IPs and how there was much disagreement until recently to get this started.
  6. Does nobody think this is politics to set a narrative that they're trying to negotiate so they can easily say they tried once they go for reconciliation?
  7. Biden adviser: President will 'change course' in infrastructure talks if inaction seems inevitable WWW.CNN.COM White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond said Sunday that President Joe Biden will "change course" on his massive infrastructure bill if inaction on the costly proposal seems inevitable.
  8. I was a soldier my first time around. Second and third time, I was a sniper and had a ton of fun. Trying vanguard for the first time. I just got someone's family armor. Now the whole trilogy will be perfect.
  9. Thanks. Gonna watch this soon. Weird that last-gen can't run last-last-gen in 60. It's been great playing this on PS5.
  10. You can still win. Just fork over the cash and buy a great experience. And then go to the cashier and be like
  11. Liz Cheney is challenged on Trump's "Big Lie" and voter suppression laws, and how one can justify those laws that are stemming precisely from his conspiracy theories.
  12. I forgot how much I enjoyed negotiating/talking people down. You wanna just fight the whole game? That option is available to you. You want to simmer down tensions? Earn it and it's available.
  13. Take-Two's Zelnick says the industry's pandemic boost is permanent WWW.GAMESINDUSTRY.BIZ Publisher's CEO talks about what will keep new gamers around after COVID-19, bringing core franchises to mobile, and why he's not worried about the outcome of Epic v. Apple
  14. linear-gradient(310.77deg, #29AA9F 0%, #098EA6 100%) PS5 exclusive Final Fantasy game may be revealed in June (not Endwalker, XVI or VIIR) Rumor | ResetEra WWW.RESETERA.COM This came up first in the FFXVI thread and in the Playstation OT a short while ago, I figured this would also be of interest to users that don't frequent those threads. I took the liberty to... This person has a good record and has presented "compelling" evidence to staff: linear-gradient(310.77deg, #29AA9F 0%, #098EA6 100%) PS5 exclusive Final Fantasy game may be revealed in June (not Endwalker, XVI or VIIR) Rumor | ResetEra WWW.RESETERA.COM This came up first in the FFXVI thread and in the Playstation OT a short while ago, I figured this would also be of interest to users that don't frequent those threads. I took the liberty to...
  15. Also, Manchin says January 6th "changed" him. If it actually did, and after Dems gave Republicans everything they wanted out of this bi-partisan commission, this should probably cue him into Republicans not being good-faith actors and abolishing the filibuster.
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