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Everything posted by Chollowa

  1. Thanks. She had stomach issues late first trimester and it really fucked me up for a few days. Thank you! So far, so good. Every scan has come back perfectly normal and he is an active little guy. So far, it's just been your normal, run of the mill pregnancy that everyone that we know, but us, seemed to have. It's difficult because we both work, but yeah, I'm really going to try to limit exposures for the next few months. She's double vaxxed, but not booster eligible yet. I'd feel much better if she was boosted. I'm happy that double vaxxed means that she has the good protection against serious infection/hospitalization.
  2. How much does seasonality make a difference with this thing? Didn't Delta hit in the late summer and early fall and that seemed to kick the ass of the unvaccinated. My wife is 24 weeks pregnant (she got both shots while pregnant) and we've decided to pretty much shut it down until this Omicron thing peters out. We've been trying for like 6 years and there are too many pre-term birth horror stories and worse in pregnant women to risk it.
  3. I've been watching the Sunday shows since high school and I thought he was the best host since Russert as far as asking "tough" questions to the guests he had on regardless of party. I was a bit surprised he'd go to CNN, but it sounds like he's going to be doing a lifestyle show for their streaming platform. I doubt he supplants Jake Tapper as the host of their weekend show, so it seems like he's out of the politics game save a guest spot here or there or the hosting of a debate. I honestly think he'll be missed because Chuck Todd is almost Alan Colmesian in his ability to be a fucking patsy and George Stephenopolus isn't bad but he's also not great.
  4. I can see this as being true of LA/OC, but for San Diego County, once you get south of San Clemente and start driving through Pendleton that's a pretty clear indicator.
  5. Orange County is really it's own thing. They are in the LA media market, but they aren't in LA County at all.
  6. Has there been any reports on what is driving the increases? Is this just what I've seen referred to as the "Covid Cycle" where we will have 2 months of this and then it goes away again? All of the reporting i've seen regarding Omicron says that it's only produced mild symptoms at this point. I'm just wondering why we're seeing this sudden uptick? Even my wife says her hospital is back up to around 45 Covid patients.
  7. The thing I don't get about conservatives is that they spend all of their time screaming at the top of their lungs about how persecuted they are, and how this nation is trending towards socialism, but for at least the last 20 years they have won on almost every big cultural issue. With the current composition of the SC, they're going to continue winning for years to come. In 3 years, when Trump wins a 2nd term, you'll have Thomas retire and Breyer leave the court as well. The court will go like 7-2 full conservative, that plus the redistricting they get to do because they own Statehouse majorities means they get the whole damn ballgame. I've never been happier to live in California and I say this after just having opened up an email about homes for sale that showed me an $700k home in a not so desirable neighborhood.
  8. Had my Moderna booster yesterday and just like the 2nd dose it really knocked me on my ass. I took Nyquil before going to bed last night so I don't think my fever got too high, but the body aches and lethargy are definitely strong today.
  9. Are you guys that are getting the boosters eligible under the current guidelines or are you just asking for it and receiving it without needing to prove eligibility? I'm traveling for work the week of the 15th and thought I might go for the booster to try and up my immunity, but as far as I can tell I'm not eligible just yet. I also have a heart condition and had a pretty strong (flu-like with a fever of 103) response to the second dose (Moderna), so I'm hesitant to get the booster until it's being recommended to me.
  10. Some of this has to be the gas prices and inflation, right? I know CRT/mask mandates etc are what is being trotted out there but some of this has to be the fact that everything is more expensive and gas prices are through the roof.
  11. My wife's hospital system imposed a vaccine mandate that goes into effect fairly soon. There is a hole for religious exemptions and medical ones as well. I figure most nurses that are unvaccinated will just try to slither through one of those.
  12. The click-baity way this Rogan thing is being reported pisses me off because it let's him off the hook for all of the bullshit he was spouting about supplements and natural immunity. The minute he tested positive and was symptomatic he tried every early intervention, experimental or not, to fight Covid. The media sees a bright shiny word "Ivermectin" and immediately makes that the ONLY headline. It's irresponsible shit like this that breeds distrust of media and lets a turd like Rogan off the hook.
  13. This excerpt from the Axios article struck me as kind of alarming: He's just talking on the phone and giving interviews in the lobby of his resort. I hope that he has already been stripped to any access to Classified information that he may have access to as an ex-POTUS. However, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if a bunch of the sychophants still in Govt let things slip while on ring kissing trips to Florida.
  14. Please beat the Giants. Also, the one time in my life I had seats back there I thought every fly ball was a home run.
  15. I've felt like shit since about 9pm. I'm running a fever and my body aches. That said it's infinitely better than getting a bad case of Covid.
  16. I got my second dose today as well. I got the shot at 10:30 a.m. and was worried that I wouldn't feel great for a short live-streaming gig I had at 4:00 p.m. But I made it through that event just fine. My arm is sore but otherwise I think I feel pretty normal.
  17. I agree and would add Escondido, Fallbrook and Otay Ranch to the list of places where new builds are currently happening.
  18. I also live in San Diego and I think the AirBnB of it all plays a role in our housing problems. Regulations fuck us as well. I am active in the local Chamber of Commerce and am on the Small Business Committee. We had a developer come in during election season back in 2018 to talk to the committee about some ballot initiative. He mentioned he had to pay 10x in permits in fees what he does in Texas because of State and local regulations. Something like 27k per unit in California vs 2.7k per unit in Texas. As a result, almost any apartment development around here is labeled a luxury apartment. Rents start at like 2k for a 1 bedroom and those are for the less expensive developments. My parents live in a suburb that some of the people from the richer neighborhoods consider unsafe/gang infested and their 4 bedroom, 2 bath house on a modest lot is probably worth about 750k right now. It's fucking insane here.
  19. @Spork3245How is your cat feeling about OCGN with this latest news. Are they still feeling good about $20-25?
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