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Everything posted by Chollowa

  1. I think I've spoken to 3 Democrats. 1 Independent (he was easily the youngest person I spoke with) and 3-5 Trump supporters/just nasty people. One of which was quick to tell me that they used to be a Democrat but now won't ever vote for them again. Being that I'm calling PA, this is not easing my fears about Trump taking the State.
  2. I'm in the middle of my calls right now. The site I signed up for actually has me calling on behalf of specific candidates in PA. I get a link to talking points for those candidates, but I will say it's trickier than I thought it would be. I'm having fun, even if I have only had a brief conversation with one voter. She asked me which party the candidate was in, when I told her Democrat she replied "Oh yeah, I'm voting for her." haha
  3. I just checked and mine was received and counted as well. I dropped it off to the County Assessor's office on Tuesday.
  4. As a San Diegan, if the booing when Trump mentions California means that we don't have to endure thousands upon thousands of Zonies crowding our beaches every summer, they can boo away.
  5. Is it possible that this backfires on the President? Aren't most Absentee ballots military and ex-pats? I know the military vote skews Republican, I'm not sure about ex-pats. I would assume most don't vote at all.
  6. Of all of Trump's claims, I thought the "you built the cages" one was the weirdest. It's not like he isn't using them and adding additional bullshit to the nation's immigration policies. Trump's best argument is Joe Biden's 47 year record in government. I also wonder if the comments Joe made about oil is going to tighten PA and secure TX for Trump. Overall, I thought Biden was pretty solid. I don't know if it's cognitive decline (just a factor of aging) or throat muscle degeneration, but he can get mealy mouthed at times. I think he's at his best when he's looking at the camera and I thought the strategy of being the first to mention the Giuliani rat-fuck was pretty smart. I also think that both candidates are obviously not at the peak of their cognitive abilities, but that's what happens when you are choosing between two guys in their 70s.
  7. "I didn't say that I'm Abraham Lincoln."
  8. Everyone has the right to purchase affordable healthcare!
  9. I think it's worse than that. The Post ran the story, but only after the guy that wrote most of it refused to put his name on it. Instead the by-line went to someone who used to be a producer on Hannity, who had no previous by-lines. Honestly, this story is so fucked that I had forgotten about that piece of it until I read this post. However, the fact remains that the Biden campaign has not claimed the emails are fake and the acting DNI has said they are not a result of a hack or misinformation. At its worst, I think maybe Hunter Biden was selling access that was never delivered on.
  10. The story Rudy and Co are going with is that Hunter dropped off 3 laptops to a repair place and signed a contract that said the laptops were forfeited if they weren't picked up in 90 days. Meaning, if the story is to be believed and it's a HUGE IF, they aren't his property. The legally blind computer repair man, turned them over to Giuliani and to the FBI. It's all pretty shady, especially the "smoking gun" email being a PDF and no verification if the files on there are legitimate. I still think they are waiting to unleash the worst of what is on there. It's most likely fake and I think this board has convinced me it won't matter. That won't stop Trump from referencing it multiple times at the debate tomorrow in a attempt to persuade undecided voters.
  11. It's casually being tossed around by the lunatic fringe on Twitter. I just checked the 538 Average and saw that a poll that they have rated A/B (Investors Business Daily) has closed to within the MOE (2-3%). I have to stop looking at that shit.
  12. Debate Preview (Modified Rules Edition) Trump is going to use his uninterrupted 2 minutes to hit Biden over the head with the Hunter laptop bullshit, which, by Thursday, will probably include heinous shit like Child Pornography. The moderator will try to keep Trump on topic. At this point, Trump will claim the entire thing is rigged against him. The only part I am unsure about, is if Biden will lose his shit on Trump for the ugly shit Trump is going to be spewing all night long. I have my doubts that any of this will move the needle and still think the bigger issue for democrats are the first time voters that Trump may be inspiring.
  13. I understand that is at least partially the case in Florida. But I also see these huge crowds like the one in California today and the rallies and I think Trump has to be turning people that were apolitical into voters. Most of these people are just assholes that see him as validating their shittiness in some way, but I don't think these people were voters before Trump.
  14. On Meet the Press this morning, they mentioned that Republicans are outpacing Democrats in new voter registrations in swing states. Perhaps it's just paranoia because of 2016, but I don't think this one is going to be as rosy as the polls are saying. I'm hoping that these are just articles that are being written because shit needs to be written and the media would love a tightened race that comes right down to the wire. Here's an article for reference: http://www.tampabay.com//pf/favicon-128.png WWW.TAMPABAY.COM
  15. The Update guys are the best thing about SNL these days. The "We have a type" joke by Michael Che was better than anything they've done with Trump in those cold opens. But maybe that's because I enjoy stand-up more than sketch and Update is basically 2 stand-up routines.
  16. I'm convinced he'll be back on the campaign trail by the end of the week. He's going to shit talk the virus and his base is going to lap it up. It may sway some "undecideds" as well.
  17. I don't do much post work, but the reflection in the table seems to be consistent with the background. Are there plug-ins and VFX chains that make it easy to get the reflection down like that?
  18. Earlier in this interview she explicitly says she wouldn't all the government to shut down to slow down a nomination.
  19. There is not a world where I would vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden at this point, but stories like this make me cringe. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/510643-biden-gets-in-testy-exchange-with-reporter-who-asked-if-hes-taken-a
  20. All this talk about this very easy cognitive test,but I'll be honest I'm terrified that Trump will goad Biden into taking it. Trump was too much of a coward to call Biden senile when Wallace asked him directly, but he took 3-4 shots after where he all but called Biden senile.
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