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Everything posted by Anathema-

  1. I'm not pretending it didn't happen but I have every reason to believe that the truth on this will come out quickly. If he had a stroke or heart attack then he'll have other problems in short order. He won't be able to keep it secret for long.
  2. I don't know anyone who thinks it's anything other than fear of the unknown candidate. Southern black women primary voters, the ones driving the numbers in the south, are going to pick the one they think will most certainly beat trump and the numbers have always said Biden.
  3. I wish him out of office with all expediency and if it's as a result of a real physical ailment then so be it, I won't feel bad for it. I don't wish him harm, I wish for him to stop harming us and I'm not terribly picky about how.
  4. You've allowed your cynicism to consume you. There is no part of a multi-part physical that makes any real sense and trying to appear above the fray on this one does more than strain credulity, it snaps.
  5. Of course hand-creating a pressurized space suit (with no examples, no space race in Watchmen) from scratch in four full years is an amazing enough feat.
  6. Also the furthest out moon orbits Jupiter every like, two weeks? Which would make Veidt's four year anniversary actually his two month anniversary, which probably goes toward explaining the time weirdness.
  7. Or instant good will with the black voters in the party. Nobody benefits more from Pete winning Iowa than Biden. The southern voters won't move to Pete because he won in Iowa.
  8. Yeah that's not a crazy thing to think but the symbolism goes deeper. It's less of a moon orbiting: It's more of a moon orbiting: It's almost certainly a hint as to whom his captor is, and likely a hint to the reason as to why he's captive.
  9. So they were playing Clair De Lune when Veidt escaped his prison and Careless Whisper right before Night made that same mistake. Someone out there is really thinking.
  10. Rewatching the last episode and thinking about all the broken egg symbolism that keeps popping up. I'm wondering if it's more than symbolism and instead a sign of "divine intervention" which would be an easy echo of Jacob from LOST but instead in the form of Dr. Manhattan.
  11. Uh, we were prosecuting these people and the news isn't exactly exonorating them. Why is that not factoring into how you think "the world sees us"?
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