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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Doesn't even include J&J, which will be providing 10 million doses from April-Aug, starting in about 4 weeks:
  2. I think only the extremely wealthy feel that way, here. It's hard to describe, but, I've never once in my life thought about healthcare, because even if I were without a job, I'd have instant access to healthcare without any deductible or fee, and I'd never have to worry about paying it off. Or about leaving my job to take another, and what that means for myself or my wife. There's so little risk to changing your location or life, even with my wife having a life-long chronic illness that requires incredibly expensive treatment. I think the US is maybe easier to live in if you're a healthy person with access to good money. But otherwise (in other words, for 80% of people), places with universal healthcare and a better safety are so much more stress-free to live in. I trust my government and know that it will be there for me if I need it. There are other, big advantages to living in the US, but I don't think it could reasonably be argued that it's a lower-stress society than Canada (or Sweden, or the UK, or Germany, etc). It's just easier to live in more progressive western nations than it is in the US.
  3. Living in a country with a strong safety net is so stress-free, it's hard to describe. I can't imagine what is like in Sweden.
  4. I think we also have to acknowledge that even as places "open up," a large amount of people are still staying home or practicing better caution than the rules permit. Obviously the people that are practicing less caution have likely been the people doing it the whole time, and have a higher incidence of prior infection (like you said) that reduces some spread.
  5. The PCs are still currently polling in the lead. Ford has the Trump effect where people will gloss over his obvious failings because "he isn't politically correct!" Basically boomers support him en mass. I mean, obviously the NDP+Liberal vote is much higher, but they split if perfectly in Ontario which allows the PCs to win.
  6. In order to enter Canada now you need a COVID-19 test result, and you also need to stay a few days in a hotel. Some people are really entitled: 30 travellers entering Canada caught with suspected fake COVID-19 test results: CBSA GLOBALNEWS.CA The federal government has, for months, urged Canadians to avoid all non-essential travel in order to stem the spread of COVID-19.
  7. In SK we were under 100/day on average, now we are over 250/day. In Regina it's over 120/day (which is like, 5,500/day for Ontario). Shit's fucked and people aren't taking it seriously. All restaurants were just ordered to close today in Regina and Moose Jaw (except delivery/pickup), and private gatherings are banned...except Churches and gyms. I am supposed to shoot a small elopement/wedding in 4 weeks, including indoor preparation shots, and then the ceremony (which is just bride and groom, plus priest and maybe one or two others...but indoors). At this point, I am getting very close to saying now and providing a full refund (along with finding a replacement photographer). My own safety (and that of my wife) comes before wedding pictures. Especially since I chose to have my own wedding with just an officiant in the park last summer, no ceremony or pictures at all.
  8. I really wish the federal government had more power in this situation, because clearly a majority of the provinces are run by idiots.
  9. Another record day in Canada - 217,000 doses. That's equivalent to 2 million in the US. Also announced that Canada will get 10 million doses of J&J starting in Q2.
  10. Also while Canada isn't at the USA's level yet, it's picked up quite a bit. New record of 190k yesterday, which is equivalent to around 1.7m if it was the US.
  11. Yeah the French don't fuck around. Imagine a potential America where people had been protesting like the French for the last 150 years.
  12. So my city is the North American capital of B.1.1.7. Check this out: Part of it can be explained that we've vaccinated most people over 70 and a good chunk of people 60+, so there are less old and vulnerable people catching it...but we basically had no one under 40 in the ICU prior to B.1.1.7. It is assumed that 90%+ cases in Regina are B.1.1.7. This is going to happen to all of North America as B.1.1.7 (and the other VoC) spread. It's why restrictions shouldn't be lifted until we've reached near-herd-immunity.
  13. I just want to say that it's not "PC" to have a diverse cast that represents society. No one comments when a cast has a white, male lead, and we shouldn't comment or take exception when it's a non white male lead (especially since white men account for only something like 25-30% of the US?). Having said that, I agree that Nicholas Cage should own this. But if they are replacing him, then by all means create a diverse cast that gives representation to traditionally non-represented groups.
  14. Fine by me! This is one game that I want to be awesome at launch. Civ has been stagnating, and this looks to have some awesome innovation that could challenge it. I especially like that the end-game goal isn't conquest, it's the fame score (which can be accomplished by conquest, if you want). I love early-mid game Civ, and I despise late-game.
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