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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Yeah Pfizer especially has really ramped up shipments for this month and next. The AZ and J&J shipments are icing on the cake.
  2. I mean if your area is still vaccinating people 70+ (or even 65+) and you are a healthy 30-something, then yeah, maybe wait. But if the general pop is being vaccinated (and high-risk are done, or have a different stream of doses going to them), then go ahead!
  3. My test came back negative (also negative for Flu). So...that's good news, though troublesome that I have chest congestion and some pressure.
  4. tl;dr: All parties in Canada support mail-in ballots, possibly even making them permanent.
  5. He needs to get these new payments (child payments, etc) to be given a nickname like Biden Bucks.
  6. I have been fortunate in that I've never been fired or laid off. And as I realized this past summer, I have also been accepted for every job I've ever applied for, and every promotion. I am the physical embodiment of male, white privilege.
  7. Hypocrisy doesn't matter. You attack the opponent for doing something, and then you do it when it helps you. To do otherwise is to cede advantage.
  8. But also one of the best records of kicking out/killing their own governments! So, both good and bad!
  9. He was joking! As far as we know, Moderna and Pfizer should be very similar in all regards since they use the same technique and technology.
  10. Started having some lung thickness this morning. Worse now. Tomorrow morning if it's still there I'm going to get tested. I'll be so mad if I was so careful (literally left our house a handful of times in the last few months) and still caught it while morons are partying and don't.
  11. I don't know that I need smoked hock that much. My wife and I got married during the pandemic (just us and officiant), and we had to cancel our planned honeymoon to Croatia/Italy. Instead, we're going to tour the Maritime provinces of Canada next year, and probably Vancouver/Victoria on the other coast, as well. After that, we are thinking of maybe doing a food tour of the southern states. We love southern BBQ (fortunately we do have a good BBQ food truck scene here in the summer), and it would be fun to just gain 20lbs over a few weeks eating brisket and pulled pork.
  12. Me too. For the last year (literally, as of next week) my group of friends has been playing Gloomhaven (board game) online rather than in person every weekend for a few hours. We were talking on Discord this past Saturday, and I said something like "You know, in a week or two it will have been a year since lockdowns started...and we are already on our way to mass vaccinations and herd immunity. In under a year we had multiple universities and companies design, test, trial, and manufacture vaccines for a disease we've never seen before. It's a tribute to modern human ingenuity." I actually felt myself tearing up at the wonder of it, but fortunately I was only on audio.
  13. I make a good red beans and rice (I know, I know, a Canadian making that?), and the best part is when I throw the garlic, onion, celery, and peppers into some oil in the dutch over. The kitchen smells awesome for the next few hours as it cooks and simmers. Biggest issue with red beans and rice here is that we don't have a lot of smoked pork (need a good smoked hock). So I usually make it just with some hot sausage sliced in, but no extra pork.
  14. Though my province is still slow on vaccinations (I think around 7% with at least one dose), people 80+ are like 90% vaccinated...and our deaths have really dropped off compared to what they "should" be based on infection counts a month ago. You can literally see a point in late January (about one month after first doses for 80+ people) where the death rate starts to differ from what should be expected.
  15. I think it's probably the most appetizing smell in the kitchen. 👍
  16. I had mine out in 2004 (was just about to burst). Recovery was a bit painful, but it was laparoscopic so no major scars. Just had to keep the wound dry for a few days, so no showers (not that you'll feel like standing for a bit). I made a joke in recovery to the nurses there. They lifted up my gown and showed me my incisions (one above the penis, one on my left abdomen, and one in my belly button). I said "oh no...I used to be an outtie!" I was high out of my mind on painkillers, so I don't remember if it got any laughs, but feel free to use it. The only strange thing post-recovery was that I was able to hold my urine longer before peeing. It literally felt like there was less pressure on my bladder. 🤷‍♂️
  17. Wasn't there a thread about the British Crown being racist? What happened to it?
  18. I meant that if a restaurant, for example, says that they will kick anyone out without a mask (unless they've been vaccinated), anti-mask people are stupid enough to raise a stink and talk about "their rights" and get kicked out, rather than just lie and say they've been vaccinated.
  19. Sorry if I wasn't clear—I meant that this move would give them cover to just lie and say they are vaccinated...but I suspect they want the confrontation, and so will not say they are vaccinated, and will continue to say they are not wearing masks out of principle.
  20. Hmm, I wonder how anti-mask/vax people are going to handle this. On the one hand, they could simply say "I'm not wearing a mask because I have been vaccinated," and lie/ On the other, this would force them to pretend that they believe in vaccination, etc. Many are pretty stupid, and probably won't want to admit that (which is a good thing since it let's us know who are the idiots).
  21. Is it transphobic to say you would not date a trans woman if she still had male genitalia (and you are straight/cishet male)? There was a discussion on resetera about the "super straight" movement that right-wing people are talking about (guys that will only date women who were born as women), and it got into the discussion of if it's transphobic to say you'd not date a trans woman/man because they are trans. I agree that it's transphobic to say "I would never date a trans women/man," but I don't think it's transphobic (and maybe I am wrong) to say you don't prefer specific genitalia. I would date someone who completely transitioned, and who I was attracted to. Anyway, I have been banned for 30 days as a result of my view. A bunch of people were banned for "excusing transphobia" for similar comments. IMO, it is fine to have a preference for body parts. Otherwise, it would be homophobic to say that I, as a cishet man, would never date a guy. To me, sexual preference can rely on a lot of things. Overall body shape is one (preferring a feminine form w/ hips, breasts, etc), and then genitalia is another. So someone might be attracted to someone with a (traditional) male or female body, but with non-matching (traditional) genitalia, while others might not be. I was also attacked for being "boring/unimaginative" for saying that genitalia matters for sexual pleasure (for me). The implication was that penetrative sex isn't necessary (which I agree with, for many!), but for me, I want p in v sex. Normally I am 100% in favour of resetera's hard-line stance of stamping out transphobia or any other phobia/ism...but in this case, I was having a good-faith discussion about my own preferences, but was then banned for it. I don't think I am wrong/out of line...but maybe I am!
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