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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. False. My data shows that the following will win the election for Biden by increasing youth turnout to 100%: Biden: "I am not only a peacemaker, I am a deezmaker" Moderator: "Deez?" Biden: "Deez nuts!" Biden: *dabs*
  2. After allowing a few hundred Mariupol defenders (including injured) to surrender in order to be exchanged for Russian prisoners, Russia has apparently reneged on the deal, and is saying that the Ukrainians must stand trial for terrorism. If this is true, then I think it's the final straw for Ukraine. I can't see them now allowing any further negotiations of any kind. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an unspoken understanding moving forward to not even allow Russians to surrender.
  3. I mean, truck grills are taller than people now, so yeah of course deaths are increasing (particularly pedestrians).
  4. Musk says $44 billion Twitter deal on hold over fake account data WWW.REUTERS.COM Musk is entitled to ask for information on its operations following the signing of the deal, but this is meant to help him prepare for his ownership of Twitter, not to carry out due diligence and reopen negotiations. Get your sicko.gifs ready for the prospect that Twitter sues Musk for backing out of the deal.
  5. Yeah it seems like the OPC is definitely going to have a lower vote count than the last election, I don't think anyone doubts that. Most polls put them somewhere in the 35-38% range, so this might be an outlier (though the trend is slightly downward lately). The OLP has also definitely supplanted the ONDP as the second-place party. Interestingly, however, even though the OLP is polling well above the ONDP, the ONDP appears to have more secure seats, and may place second in seat count (assuming the OPC hold their vote and win). If the OLP can come within 1-2 points of the OPC, however, then it becomes much more possible that we'll see a plurality rather than a majority, and that's when it gets interesting—do the OLP and ONDP team up to run Ontario in some kind of supply agreement? They've indicated that they might.
  6. Let the workers control 2/3 the board and most problems will fix themselves.
  7. Update from Ukraine: -53 heavily wounded Azovstal' defenders sent to Novoazovsk hospital -another 211 to Olenivka "via humanitarian corridor" -to be exchanged for Russian PoWs. -negotiations relating to the remaining defenders ongoing. So some defenders remain, with some allowed to leave in exchange for prisoners held in Ukraine.
  8. Don't worry he'll save $8 billion on the deal and get a record $7 million FCC fine or something.
  9. At this point the marines and Azov soldiers still inside Azov (or recently evacuated, perhaps) have no real reason to stay if they can get out alive. Their surrender/evacuation is not going to free up a significant number of Russian troops, and they aren't holding important land—it's really a courageous last stand for honour, now. That's not to diminish the sort of thing they are doing on national consciousness (and they will certainly be remembered as heroes in Ukraine, either way), but better to save the lives of the troops still there (especially the actual Ukrainian marines).
  10. I do believe that gaming has resulted in an increase of violence...but only because of online voice chat and communities, not the games themselves.
  11. How does one boot a country out? As someone said on resetera, Turkey is the Joe Manchin of NATO. I expect them to cave, however, after getting whatever they want out of this.
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