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Everything posted by Bjomesphat

  1. Oh didn't know. It's the arcade fighting game. If you have another one I'd definitely like to get one from you.
  2. Yeah those worn paths turned out pretty neat. I stopped doing it because they're so time consuming, so I think once I unlock official paths I'll use those for the majority of my town, then use the custom paths for special areas. The arcade is 64,000 and the records are 2,600. I'll send them both to you and you can pay me whenever you get the chance. I'm not against trades, but I have no idea what's out there or even what I'd want. I also have a standup arcade dart machine that I'm going to place in my game room.
  3. Well it's open for anyone. I'm technically working now, so I might just be sitting somewhere doing nothing.
  4. @Ghost_MH @JPDunks4 So afternoon price is 280 bells. Not amazing, but certainly not terrible either. I'm not sure who I'm friends with, but here is my code: SW-3621-0709-5409 If anyone is interested I can open my island. I haven't really done much with it, but feel free to stop by!
  5. @Ghost_MH 174 for turnips this morning. If the turnip calculator is correct, by afternoon I'll be somewhere between 174 and 600.
  6. Thanks. I ended up finding someone on ResetEra for a similar price. Shame too because I really wanted to sell turnips at a huge profit on my own island.
  7. Looks like I'm getting screwed on turnips. My 600 peak is supposed to be tomorrow, but Nook is going to be closed.
  8. Yeah I'm trying to do the same. I sold my turnips earlier this week from a poster on ResetEra in the high 500s. And with how large the community is, it seems like a sure bet there will be a few people with 500+ prices each week. It does feel like I'm cheating the game a bit and not playing in the spirit of it. So I dunno, I just really want paths to unlock and terraforming.
  9. The arcade stick Pro looks really good, and I'll definitely jump on it if the price goes lower.
  10. I gave up on the N64 mini. With how difficult it is to emulate, especially on a Raspberry Pi, and the challenge for Nintendo to re-manufacture those crazy controllers, I doubt it will ever happen. With that said, I'm just making my own N64 "mini". I've been on the waiting list for the UltraHDMI for probably 6 months now, and the next production run seems to have finally gone into production. I'm using my original N64 that I still have from when I was a kid, and I'll get the Everdrive to be able to load any N64 roms that I want.
  11. I hate knowing that once this releases, the price will easily drop in a few months, but I have to have it anyway. Been pre-ordered for awhile, just waiting for when they start shipping in the US. I played a few TG-16 games on the Wii VC back in the day, but I've never held an actual controller, and the library is still largely unknown to me.
  12. Didn't care about Stark. Mainly because I don't care about the MCU, but the whole final battle in Endgame was one contrived fan service mess that was done 100x better in Infinity War. Like there was no reason Stark had to die other than the contrived scenario the writers came up with. Haven't seen Coco. I haven't seen Up since its release, but it would probably resonate more with me now that I've been married for 11 years. So probably Mufasa. Moreso even now because imagining one of my sons in Simba's position would be heartbreaking.
  13. Rage 1 is even a good one. Forgot I played that game until I read this.
  14. Probably like everything from the PS3/360 generation. I don't play that many AAA games anymore, but man, studios were pumping out forgettable AAA garbage nonstop on those consoles. Dead Island is a good one. LA Noire. Even when I see the memes, it doesn't even register that I've played the game. I think I would be blown away if I opened up my box of PS3 games. I probably have around 30, but can only think of a handful.
  15. @Keyser_Soze Yep there's two. That one and https://ac-turnip.com/ I think I like turnip prophet better. First week using either.
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