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Everything posted by Biggie

  1. I have an LG OLED C9 55inch. Would this better the picture? I mean it’s already good as fuck. What say you nerds?
  2. The further you get the more and more things open up to do trust me.
  3. Biggie


    You have no idea what you are missing
  4. Ohio Guy was the GOAT. I made Boss so mad one time. I can't remember about what but he lost his damn mind over something I posted.
  5. Biggie


    Eat another one and masturbate on her dress. That should show her how much you like it.
  6. I just don't want San Fransissy to go to the Bowl because I'm petty and I dislike them.
  7. After a slow beginning the game is really starting to open up with lots to do. Really enjoying it and the cast of characters.
  8. All those little shots @BuckFly was making about my Falcons seem to have turned his Bills into the very same thing.
  9. Me personally I enjoy Uncharted much more. I like the action movie over the top type feel.
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