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Everything posted by Biggie

  1. Yeah but I only need $50 for the deluxe version evidently. I’m confused on why it’s 50% off lol. Wonder how long that will stay like that?
  2. I can’t figure this out. The standard edition is $69.99. But the digital deluxe version is $42.99. @best3444
  3. Hardly what I would call genius
  4. Google says Earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old. When did they start keeping records?
  5. I think the first one is superior to Ragnarok.
  6. Can’t wait to get home from work and play more of this game. It truly is an amazing story. Unlike some I never grow tired of the combat. I like switching up my abilities and destroying enemies. The game does an excellent job of making you feel like a powerful bad ass.
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