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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. I will say ever since the start of Trump's presidency it's been weird seeing almost everyone in Washington complain about Trump like they aren't the legislators who can actually do something about it. Like - you're the guys! Do something!
  2. I think saying "you still have Leia" regardless of how they handle it is a stupid thing to say short of CGing her character. Period.
  3. I mean, I wasn't saying Microsoft = fast and Mac = slow, just that I am decently faster on Windows than on Mac, not that Mac is slow by comparison. But I haven't met many who felt Mac was faster was all. Maybe it is, I'll have to learn more for sure but the shortcuts, etc. on Windows is pretty blisteringly fast. But totally I should learn more if you are this adamant.
  4. Honestly my experience has been the exact opposite, whee dual screening with Windows is easier for me than Macs. My wife is a Mac lover, and even she agrees that if she could learn Windows (her watching how I use it) she would, but she's used Macs so long that's what she's comfortable with. I'm not saying Macs don't do some things better, but most serious coders and tech heads that I know use open source systems (Windows, Linux, etc.). I'm not trying to hate, if you like Apple great! Was just speaking to my own experiences was all. You're a very standoffish fellow lol.
  5. I'm not sure what kind of work you do but it's unquestionable that if you are an expert with Windows that it is easily faster and easier to use than a Mac. As an expert in both, I can tell you that at least personally a Mac feels slow to me. It's closed OS is such a limit. Just my .02. Everyone should use what works best for them of course.
  6. I know exactly what you mean. When you see those scenes in films I always thought that couldn't possibly be that blatant in real life . . . yet here's the video of it happening. I owe some screenwriters an apology.
  7. Weird how Fox News isn't all over Trump for being a weak President who can't get his "bigly" deals done. Summit's over, so actual action doesn't matter, eh?
  8. Every time I see "candy throwing" in this thread's title, I keep thinking it's making fun of dumb fat Trump, then I remember he threw Starburst's at Angela Merkel and I die a little inside every time.
  9. I uhhh I don't know? I only know this one thread, and I definitely said the "fake news = investigative journalism" thing before Ronan's tweet (or at least before I saw his tweet in this thread).
  10. No problem, we need more educated moderate and conservative (actual conservative) voices on this board. I've learned a good bit from people like you and sblfilms with sides of an argument I normally wouldn't give credence (same with slug). But I worry when logical explanations also acts as implicit endorsement of these people and this administration. I'm sure you see the concern. But you're smart, keep it up brotha.
  11. When he whispers to Morty, and our Morty is like: "huh? what?" Great show. Fuck the people who are trying to ruin it for the rest of us.
  12. I think what you've said is right on the money! They always say it like they're jealous. Always. I'm like: "Jesus, guys, I was in a fraternity but I didn't want to haze people just because I was hazed". Yes, I was in a fraternity, heh. And I haven't seen that infographic in ages! Still as good as I remember. Respek.
  13. It's actually crazy how many "legal" "well-to-do" immigrants I know who hate "illegal" immigrants. It's nuts. A friend and my wife, both immigrants, looked at me and said: "do it legal". I explained asylum seeking IS legal, and they didn't know what to say other than: "yeah, but others are illegal". I explained that for many they are coming illegally because they are running from gang or drug violence, etc. They again didn't know what to say, but doubted that was the case with most illegal immigrants, like I'd lie about it. These are otherwise very liberal and progressive people. Fucking bizarre. My parents, also immigrants, are the same way. They should all be mandated to go to the border and deal with real illegal immigrants. See if their hearts soften or harden. I promise a good person's will soften.
  14. This is the right answer. Corporations as people is a laughable concept invented by big money to protect itself from us. Law school basically teaches this as if it's a given at this point but rightly teaches that the distinction was given to help corporations and no one else.
  15. Those scary kids!! Adults afraid of children who have suffered and want their marginalized voice heard about real experiences they had. Hoo boy. Adults are pathetic.
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