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Everything posted by Comet

  1. I'm conflicted by this article. I totally get the malaise people have for voting here. I am an optimist in general, but have developed a pretty pessimistic take on American politics for many of the reasons outlined here. But the thing is, voting is all we have outside of a violent revolt to have meaningful change. Beto is pretty much a Democrat outlier when it comes to campaigning for specific changes and not taking a dime of lobby funds for campaigning. If he is successful, which he likely won't be, then I'd feel better knowing that the Democrats, or hell even some sensible Republicans that still exist, will take an ardently anti-lobbying stance and campaign going forward. But, since I said I'm pessimistic, Beto will lose and the non-PAC money gamble/experiment will die with his candidacy.
  2. I think this is just what the world needs in 2018, major Islamophobia from China giving rise to potential attacks by Islamists in China.
  3. And I bet that motherfucker doesn't have to worry about rolling his ankles
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/20/science/9-cities-to-live-in-if-youre-worried-about-climate-change.html
  5. Damn I’ll have to see what happens next time I cross. Granted I was naturalized rather than born with citizenship. Good thing I work for an immigration law firm
  6. Hard way to go. He definitely lived an eventful life, for better or worse. I’ll just leave it at that.
  7. Nah I still see fucking Trump stickers. And while the Dallas area is blue, I live in Collin County which is full of affluent suburbs that consistently votes red. My anecdotal evidence isn’t meant to convince anyone here - I just find it mildly surprising. The people waving the Beto stickers and signs are NOT poor or Hispanics here.
  8. In North Texas alone, the amount of Beto bumper stickers and yard signs is ridiculous. I've probably seen 50-75+ in the last two months. I've only seen one Ted Cruz sticker ever. This makes me happy, but yes, Beto is going to lose by a decent margin anyway..
  9. Octopath 2 - got my part to level 48, I think I should finish Chapter 3 now lol
  10. Seriously, I'm rocking these two as well. It almost doesn't matter who the other two are in the party at this point.
  11. So I'm only 3 characters in, but I'm loving the hell out of this game. Feels more comprehensive and deep than I imagined it would be.
  12. Touché! Still gonna but this and check it out
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