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Everything posted by Brick

  1. Was this posted? Nathan Fillion will not be providing the voice of Cayde-6 in Forsaken, and instead Nolan North will fill in for the Hunter Vanguard's final appearace. This again makes me wonder if Cayde's death is more to do with Fillion's changing schedule, and how he won't be available as much anymore.
  2. Posted in the other thread, but it should also be posted here since it's a good in-depth look at this whole thing
  3. Cool. I really don't need the Funko Pop figures, so I'll probably wait until just a normal release of the discs (which will hopefully still include all the bonus material).
  4. So wait, is this just BTAS, or does it include The New Adventures of Batman and Robin since that was a continuation of BTAS just in the new artstyle present throughout the Timm DC animated universe?
  5. I'm someone that will defend dark humour, and say that if a comedian is talented enough, and funny enough, they can make a good joke out of any subject matter, like rape or murder, as long as it's handled well; it's all about the execution. This wasn't handled well; the "joke" here was basically, "Hey look at me raping this baby! Isn't this funny?", and it wasn't funny at all.
  6. Still the best comic book superhero movie in my opinion. I would have made a thread on Wednesday, but I didn't think anyone else would care lol, plus I wouldn't have filled it with all these great articles. I'm going to have to read them.
  7. Apparently there was an extended trailer shown to those in attendance that seems to suggest Aquaman will go through a character arc to make him less of a douchey-bro that he was in Justice League, think like how Thor learned to be less of an asshole in his first movie.
  8. They were already associated with him, and knew of his jokes based on his previous work with Troma, Slither, Super, etc., and he had already apologized for his jokes before. They only cared now because Cernovich got enough people to complain so Disney panicked. They very easily could have addressed this differently and said that they do not believe that James Gunn's past jokes, while wholly inappropriate, reflect on the kind of filmmaker, or person he is today, and that they will continue to work with him to create movies that are loved by people all over the world. They could still release a statement saying as such, and are rehiring him after further research. Also yes it does matter who unearthed them. Had it been a group of random, unknown mothers concerned over the kind of person creating movies their kids like, maybe, MAYBE I could see them firing him for legit reasons, but when it was a Conservative known to say even worse things, like saying date rape isn't a thing, trying to smear Gunn as part of a pedophile ring because he criticizes Trump, it just legitimizes him and his harassment tactics, and proves that they work, and he'll use it again to go after other people. Disney should not have fired Gunn.
  9. I mean he is a literal kid, so it kind of seems fitting that the outfit is a little goofy looking if that's what a kid thinks a superhero looks like.
  10. Cernovich didn't go digging through Gunn's old Tweets because he was honestly disgusted and concerned by what Gunn had joked about, he did it specifically because Gunn is outspoken against Trump, and wanted to find ammunition to get Gunn fired, so he took the jokes out of context and made it seem like Gunn was pro-pedophilia, and used his GamerGate tactics to get others to mass a smear campaign so that Disney would fire him. Sure Gunn's jokes are gross, but it's not like Disney didn't already know the kind of humour that Gunn had done in the past, hell it's why the hired him, and he had already apologized for his past jokes when the Left complained about that "hottest comic characters" list, or whatever it was, when the first GotG movie was coming out. Again, his jokes weren't funny and they were grossly inappropriate, but they were ten years ago, and Gunn has changed. Disney firing him for past mistakes is essentially saying that people can't outgrow and move on from their past mistakes, and grow and change as a person.
  11. Maybe if all the main Guardians actors stand by Gunn and refuse to work on the film Disney would have to rehire Gunn. I mean I hope it doesn't get to that point, and Disney should realize on its own that they got duped by POS Cernovich and rehire Gunn.
  12. Is he actually going to be fighting all of them in one movie!?
  13. Shazam looks fun, Aquaman not sure about, but I'm liking how neither of these are grim/dark like the Snyder movies were.
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