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Everything posted by best3444

  1. Don't worry that was a lapse of judgment. You are easily the funniest guy on here. Keyser is a smart ass which sometimes makes me laugh but you are consistently funny with diverse humor. Do you make people laugh at work?
  2. You're right. It's at 7% right now. I told my parents they are getting ripped off by Comcast and that they need to upgrade the speed. But I have no say or any money so they have the final say. When I lived on my own I'd always upgrade my speed for games.
  3. @Biggie I was kidding. We aren't losers! FF16 just isn't good. FF7 is just more interesting with better combat too.
  4. More like 13 million people or so.
  5. The download is taking forever which isn't surprising. I thought I had it on my Xbox but nope, ps5. I'll play it right before GTA6 at this rate.
  6. Very true. I'm much more patient when playing the deck which is odd but oh well. FF16 is just not good from the halfway mark to the end. But Legend really liked it here and it got nominated for some GOTY's so you have a good chance it enjoying it. Don't listen to some losers like me and Biggie.
  7. Haha I was wondering where these games came from! I love Ori and dl both and played them but didn’t dl the other games because I was confused. Thank you and I'll try them eventually!
  8. I'm playing 2018 and I disagree. I really like Ragnarok more in almost every way.
  9. Lol. Tell that to the billions who eat there.
  10. @Biggie @stepee I played more FF7 Remake Intergrade today and for some odd reason I'm really enjoying it on handheld compared to playing on console. I really like it and it's leagues better than FF16. Good stuff. It looks beautiful, too.
  11. I will tomorrow for sure. I'm on Rockstars balls right now so I might as well play both RDR2 and GTAV.
  12. Did you ever try RDR2 on your pc? Does it offer anything special? It looks like a current gen game. Absolutely incredible minus the character models.
  13. Alan Wake 2 on PS5 looks good but not amazing. So the PC version must crush it. For instance, the ocean is static and the water overall is really weak. Alan's character model isn't all that great too. That awesome Avatar looks that good.
  14. Lol, same with me. I'll be a cuck too and pay more than I should. BTW, yes, Uncharted looks phenomenal. I played 2 chapters and it's really nice.
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