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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I just don't see any egregious faults here. There's a few cutscenes? It's not overload, and they don't drag on or overly tutorialize. There's typically a good bit of exploration in cities/fields/dungeons to pad them out (unlike say, FFXIII). Which is absolutely true by the first big city, which has plenty to see ransack. The only thing that's bugged me so far is that some of non-party characters take too long to deliver their voice lines. I'm thinking of one specific part maybe 10 hours in.
  2. For the first 30 minutes maybe, but that's a lot of games. Exposition is exposition. There's still very little tutorial, and they give you a horse pretty much the moment you step out of the first town. It really doesn't take long at to get going, and you get a giant city to explore soon after that.
  3. DQXI's beginning isn't a slog. I think it's pretty well paced so far. Only major gripe I have is the first two dungeons looking so similar.
  4. Nice, I just got a second pair of rubber gloves! They're a rare drop from the first rabbit enemies you come across. My steal rate should be above 30% now. ... It's quite a grind to get the second pair though. You'll want to use a dual pep power (itemized kill) between the Hero and Erik. You learn it once you unlock the first sword skill.
  5. Batman Arkham Asylum and VVVVVV Super Mario 3D World is also pretty short. If you haven't played that, might as well. It doesn't seem like it's coming to Switch.
  6. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and Guacamelee if you somehow missed them.
  7. Good JRPGs consoles have been few and far between on consoles since the HD-era began. Even fewer that lean towards the traditional. So it's to be expected that people are coming around to it. That, and DQXI really knocks the presentation out of the park for what it aims for.
  8. Classic battle mode is so much better. Just feels more dynamic and snappier with the camera cuts. I might have preferred the active time one if you fought field enemies directly, rather than warping into a separate battle scene when you touched them. As it stands, classic is better.
  9. Runs as expected on my 1060. 60fps is possible locked at 1080p, 30fps lock works best at 1440p. I don't think I've played many JRPGs at 60fps before, outside of 2d ones. Definitely sticking with it.
  10. Had some PC issues yesterday. Any time I'd do anything on the internet I was getting this terrible jutter. It was especially bad when downloading. I ended up having to do a fresh install of Windows on my SSD, but it fixed it apparently. Anyone know when the game will unlock? I just finished the pre-load.
  11. https://flickstiq.com/a-new-rainway-is-coming-soon/ Hosts will need to be on PC. XB1 support for streaming in is coming in Q1 2019. PS4 supposedly coming in the future. As for Switch...
  12. I actually liked what I saw. Mainly because it's an action RPG instead of another one of those turn based gacha things, as I expected. I'm sure there's enough mobile F2P garbage in there not to make it worth the while.
  13. 1080p though. I don't mind. My system is only slightly better than the recommended.
  14. People haven't cared about innovation in shooting mechanics for a long time. There shouldn't be any pressure for Cyberpunk to do it. (even if does do it ... marginally) It's just blowback from the press oogling over Cyberpunk as if it definitively stole E3.
  15. I didn't realize the game was so close. Total impulse buy today.
  16. It just looked like action Deus Ex. Which still sounds fun, but nothing I'm clamoring for.
  17. Open critic: https://opencritic.com/game/6213/dragon-quest-xi-echoes-of-an-elusive-age US Gamer: https://www.usgamer.net/articles/dragon-quest-xi-echoes-of-an-elusive-age-revie https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/dragon-quest-xi-pc/ PC version will natively support 4K. No word yet on performance, but Square's promising better than Neir Automata's PC troubles. I'm jumping in on it.
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