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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. 'We were having a tough time with this game on our dev kits in the summer, but then Microsoft unlocked the hidden power inside, and shazam, all our problems went away.' Some imagination. 6800 XT. It is, generally speaking. We don't know where Series X (or PS5) will fall relative to these PC cards yet. Of note, this is how the RTX 3000 line runs Control at 4k Ultra with raytracing on high. No upscaling. Next-gen console ports will be very interesting.
  2. I didn't say a thing about it being a good or bad implementation. Only that it was doing it. (With Direct X 12) We haven't seen Control on either next-gen console yet. But they're promising raytracing.
  3. I’m honestly shocked you think this, considering how much you normally give MS the benefit of the doubt. But you’re wrong here too. We haven’t seen anything about the API’s not being ready. Extrapolating that Halo signals that makes no sense whatsoever, when several games in the launch window are using RT (Watch Dogs, Control, etc). MS just didn’t have any game of their own ready at launch to show it off. Other devs are. I’m any case, I don’t think Minecraft will take long. They’re probably just thinking how to best market it.
  4. DLSS doesn’t depend on DirectML. It’s wholly and entirely Nvidia’s algorithm. And it works with Vulcan too. I trust that if Microsoft had the ability to bring DLSS outside of nvidia’s gpu gating, we would have seen it by now: On the Series X and S both. They’d have to convince nvidia to liscence it to them. Which might not be the best idea anyways, with how AMD’s architecture differs. With what was announced by both MS and AMD this week, the latter appears to be exactly what it being explored right now: Non-DLSS super resolution. As it stands, we’re more likely to see a “version” of DLSS on a Switch successor.
  5. As stated, DLSS works on Linux as well. If you still want to give the credit to MS, as the “creators,” go ahead. I do hope MS (+AMD) can create something better, because that would be gangsta.
  6. DF noted similar compromises in Spider-Man MM. We’ll see what they say about WD3 on Series X.
  7. Metroidvania as a genre has ballooned since the Prime games, and there's not many first person games in the genre for it to not feel fresh.
  8. Not arguing against that. It's more just that technical showpieces on both platforms put them in a different class than the PS2. The best looking GCN games (Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, etc) could probably look better on Xbox. But definitely held their own against it. I own both platforms.
  9. It's impossible to gauge at this point. That chart is with DLSS enabled, and RT on high. We don't know the equivalent RT setting Series X is running at. Can't rule out image reconstruction, dynamic resolution, or sub-4k averages either.
  10. Yeah, you can look anywhere without having to stop with pointer controls.
  11. Either that, or something akin to the GCN and Xbox as you mentioned earlier. Where one platform had an discernible advantage, but in the grand scheme of what devs accomplished that gen, it didn't matter much.
  12. It's never been said that PS5 would have backwards compatibility. ... We're not too far off on the rest. What's ironic is that Cerny's extended deep dive clarified a TON at the time. Just not enough to keep an evolving conversation ongoing. Yup. We already know Sony's Raytracing API isn't using DX12 for RT, which is standard on other RDNA2 platforms. So why couldn't other things be? There's this odd notion of disbelief here when it comes to Sony's capability to do it custom. When that's pretty much what they've always tried.
  13. You might want to check the PS5 thread out before rushing to blame. Most of what he posted was in relation to several Sony patents he's claiming are actualized in the PS5's Geometry Engine. This shouldn't be controversial, unless you think he's lying about having a dev kit. Sure, if you want. Don't know what point you'd be trying to make. Because we're not talking about power here, but rendering features and parity.
  14. Eh, it's ballpark. Doesn't immediately strike me as poor in the way Age of Calamity does, for example. We'll see what DF says.
  15. 30fps target, which we've known for a while. I'm curious if there's any upscaling going on there. Seems like there's some shimmering on gates and the like.
  16. I'd find the docked mode acceptable-ish if it stuck closer to 30 more often, even at 810p average. It doesn't look so bad at that because of the artstyle. Perhaps there's a chance they can optimize a bit before release. Portable mode, I'm not touching that.
  17. The Trilogy re-release all had FPS pointer controls. Retro didn't take the lock-on mechanics out though. They're crucial to how the boss encounters play out with all the circle-strafe jumping, IMO. Prime 3 did have some bosses where you had to free aim a bit more. But the best approach was still to hold the lock-on while moving the cursor away from screen center.
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