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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. 1 nails the more "pure" horror experience best, while 2 plays the best and has the best action, sometimes at the cost of atmosphere. 3 isn't terrible or anything but it's a big fall from grace and a real shame. Still worth playing in my opinion, and despite it being one of those games of that generation where they tacked-on co-op, I think if you find a co-op partner willing to just play the game (for the first time) with you, it can be pretty cool, as there's some pretty unique stuff that goes on. I think the games definitely hold up, and enjoy them very much. Was playing DS1 in 4K on Steam just a week or two ago and was just as in it as ever.
  2. I imagine a large part of it is that normal people don't think politicians are friends or heroes. They're just public servants. You couldn't give me merchandise supporting a politician. That shit's crazy.
  3. I wanted to say "God, can I stop hearing about Ohio "correctly predicting the President" by news outlets now?" but then I saw this: As rural Toledo goes, so goes the nation WWW.WKBN.COM A triad of counties outside Toledo that cover suburbs, rural areas, lakeside havens and a college town, have been reliable bellwethers going back decades. It's Toledo specifically, and they fucking did it again.
  4. I know y'all are getting slaughtered in the streets on the daily but could you word your anti-police slogan in a way that doesn't make me uncomfortable?
  5. Damn, they should've had Trump vote 5,000 times. Or maybe they did because they're all about that projection.
  6. I might as well, but depends on how long Demon's Souls/Spider-Man/Sackboy/Astrobot hold my attention.
  7. ...is this a real question? Some people like to be prepared ahead of time. Also, hope it doesn't end up like PC parts like the 30x0 nvidia series or the 5x00 AMD series... good luck fighting in the streets over a $200 sub-1TB drive so you can have a few more games installed.
  8. Well not shown in that image is several tiers above the whitest one, where it says "Irish" and you don't wanna be on that list either.
  9. Yeah, but he has to do it in the same breath as mentioning that he got less votes than fucking BIDEN. Biden was like Obama's sidekick. He lost to fucking Robin. Or Barnacle Boy if we want to keep up with Spongebob memes.
  10. I think this short thread sums it up nicely: If they allowed mail-in to be counted sooner, it would look a lot more like a total trouncing of Trump by Biden. But the Senate/House would still be disappointing.
  11. Welcome to the left, where if we got the President, the Senate and the House, we'd still spend the next 4-8 years whipping ourselves over not getting a single black guy in Detroit.
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