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Everything posted by AlwaysDyingX

  1. Eagles/Bengals Super bowl. Neither of those teams I watched yesterday are even remotely close to being able to compete against the Birds.
  2. They are playing with house money. A lot to build off of there and they finally got a coach!
  3. https://twitter.com/EROCK_Eagles/status/1616930833276755972?t=_lV-Ce2saHhGYCPqve9p6Q&s=19
  4. Deck is obsolete and we all got conned into buying one by our chubby PC overlord
  5. Check out this contest on DraftKings DraftKings - Saturday only by Basementdweller2 WWW.DRAFTKINGS.COM Fantasy Sports, Daily and Weekly Fantasy Drafts for Cash Prizes. Check out this contest on DraftKings DraftKings - Sunday Only by Basementdweller2 WWW.DRAFTKINGS.COM Fantasy Sports, Daily and Weekly Fantasy Drafts for Cash Prizes. @Brian @peoplewith5dollars
  6. This thread would be so much better with an actual picture of said dog
  7. Join this contest, Saturday only by Basementdweller2 https://www.draftkings.com/contest/draftteam/140198123 7/14 spots filled
  8. I use my Amazon prime sub on twitch. That's about it.
  9. Tip: the fat ones need loving too Rules: must be ok with me being married. But seriously, fuck dating. I don't miss the rat race.
  10. So I was correct. This just wasn't Raiders were mad. This guy was asked several times not to hang his sign in the tunnel and to not hold up the sign during play. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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