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Everything posted by Chadatog

  1. Usually Chadwick but i'm just Chad Also the origin of Chad is Wesh and means battle or warring Also my last name is Menard which is Germanic and means hardy, brave, and strong Also go fuck yourself
  2. Trump is literally like the Lethal Weapon II bad guy always holding up his badge and saying "diplomatic immunity"
  3. Trump is totally going to replace Fauci with a Qanon dude. Edit: sry @sblfilms I originally read it as responsible not irresponsible.
  4. Just some clarification on this lab, it was doing surveillance testing and research on coronavirus in wild animals and due to mishandling could of infected people and then mutated to allow for person to person infection. The virus itself was never cooked up in a lab. We do similar testing in wild animal populations for avian flu and swine flu. This still doesn't absolve the lab if they were responsible due to improper handling, but this lab was not the type of facility that could specifically engineer the virus. Here is an article about the lab in question which the US supports and was being asked to send more support by the US officials that were inspecting the facility in 2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/14/state-department-cables-warned-safety-issues-wuhan-lab-studying-bat-coronaviruses/
  5. I guess no one told him that this operative was working for the Republican candidate.
  6. Why does no one writing these articles push back about the fact that they are using wording that would imply getting laid off is something that has input from the worker. It's almost like they are purposefully trying to mislead the reader.
  7. From Discord Just wanted to add a bit of context to odhen's PBS article about HP bird flu in SC. About a month ago low path avian influenza (LPAI) was detected in NC (by our lab). It was determined that it was a strain from the wild migratory birds and our testing zones were established and flocks were culled. Some of that testing zone was in SC due to how close some of the farms were to the border (mostly south of Charlotte). That was when, due to the testing zones in SC that they detected it in the farms there. Now by this time we are testing hundreds of samples a day to clear farms to ship their birds and the infected houses have been depopulated, we find out that the spread of the disease may have originated from the farms in SC which means that the infection has been undetected in their bird population for longer. The reason the USDA wants to eradicate LPAI in the bird population is because it can turn into HPAI very easily. So now it looks like due to the AI being in the SC bird population for the last month+ they now have a HPAI outbreak. We got a sample in NC just the other day with high mortality at the farm and they were convinced that it was the HPAI strain from SC spread to NC just like the LPAI was. But the sample tested negative and I'm hoping that NC stays that way.
  8. Movie: The Butcher Boy Book: Forward the Foundation Album: Left of Cool, Bele Fleck and the Flecktones
  9. I really liked I am Not Ok With This and Atypical, I also recommend Lost in Space (the series) and The Dragon Prince (the animation gets better after the first season). I'm Not Ok With This is only 8 or so episodes and each are under a half hour, it's a real quick watch and so good.
  10. I thought it was pretty OK, which is saying something with some of the stinkers they have green-lighted in the last year.
  11. Just had my co-worker give me a line of BS from whatever stuff he watches/reads. Tried to tell me that New York is going down in infection/deaths, that looking at flu models this should be over soon, and that models that have this going on for months are not taking into account that infections probably started in December rather than Feb so they should be 2-3 months shorter. Dude has a veterinarian license with a masters in epidemiology. I told my other co-worker what he said to me and we spent about an hour railing on the fact that with a BS in Biology that we had more knowledge about the outbreak than he did. Also they reminded me that our co-worker a few weeks ago said that the flu vaccine gave him the flu.
  12. Is this guy related to the NBC news anchor? Edit: Yep it's his younger brother, and interesting fact his aunt was Castro's first wife making Fidel his uncle.
  13. Yeah it's been known for a while that the re-infection rate is rather high. Also going into work this weekend to deal with a bird flu outbreak in some turkeys, it's not high path, but USDA is concerned it could become that. With good quarantine procedures and culling we should have this taken care of by Monday. Also this was caught by routine surveillance testing. Hey look at that preventative screenings work.
  14. Came in looking for the WTF gif and was not disappointed
  15. Just a little background, I've heard about this for several months, and Thermo Scientific has already bought several other biotech companies over the last 10 years (Fisher, Ambion) this is not new. Also the platform that is required is one of the best. I work with it daily.
  16. Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure ☢️
  17. Shifted cells in a Excel spreadsheet, happened in the C's
  18. If anything, the cause/effect of the stock market and this president shows that the stock market changes are more likely to have Trump make poor decisions (downplay the coronavirus spreading, poor preparedness, and controlling CDC/HHS statements to name a few) than have the stock market react significantly to only what Trump does/says.
  19. A review of it summed it up perfectly for me, it's not doing anything new but it does it all well, with well written and acted characters. It's short and sweet and that ending 😮
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