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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. If someone wants a PS5, this is the thread where you should beg for it.
  2. Next time I play ME 1-3 I'm going to kill Wrex and sabotage the genophage cure.
  3. No lol. Philip DeFranco is the only news media I consume on purpose and I'd never pay for that content. He covers too much pop culture shit that I have to skip. Other than that, I see the major headlines on here and reddit. No reason to pay for anything. And if I had a reason I still wouldn't.
  4. Me either. That's why I boo'd it. Shit looks like Destiny which is very bad. Also, no MaleShep so BOOOOOOOOOOOOO for that too.
  5. Edit: Man if this is a Liara game I'm going to be so disappointed. Some kind of news incoming. Not sure if it's for the game or not. N7 Day 2023 WWW.EA.COM Happy N7 Day to our wonderful community! Read up on all the ways we’re celebrating. A countdown: Mass Effect – Nebula – EA Official Site WWW.EA.COM Nebula page for Mass Effect N7 Day
  6. For images. I post a screenshot to Twitter, and then I have a link I can post anywhere. I have done this plenty of times in the past across various consoles. Without twitter, if you want to post a link, you have to DL the image, and then re-upload it to an image-hosting website, and then grab the link from there. I don't even know what this means in this context. Also, Forums aren't social media because I don't have to deal with sponsored/ad posts. That's how you know whether you are on social media or not.
  7. No. Classic forums don't count. Why? Because I said so. Anyone who disagrees can get bent.
  8. I mean, I'm not sure if you view them as people, but some people on Reddit are. And it's so frustrating to see people saying "just use the app" because the fuckers just post shit from their phone and don't use links. "Just download them from the app!" Only works if you're a pos fucker who actually uses social media to post things.
  9. Hate how people are cheering this move cuz "fuck twitter, fuck elon." Like yeah sure. And I don't blame Sony for doing it, but the App is such a poor backup option. Hate all of these mobile fuckers who fuck over desktop users. I HATE them. And fuck discord too. And fuck Sony for gutting their website so that you have to use the app. Fuck'em all.
  10. annoying as that is pretty much the only way to upload images I don't want to DL images to my phone and then re-upload to imgur
  11. I modded it out. I really like the dark veins, but I can't stand the darker lips and stuff around the eyes. Looks too much like metal band makeup instead of being brain fucked. If I could get all the veins without all of the makeup that'd be great.
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