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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. I wish someone would make a type of poptart but completely remove the pastry and just a frosted shell with the filling. Or just have a totally different pastry. It is just so bad.
  2. Well, everything in Limgrave is around the same level. Weeping peninsula is technically part of limgrave. It really isn't a new zone so much as part of the same zone that you haven't been to yet. That said, it really feels like the Weeping Peninsula was intended to be done before Margit. There is an optional boss there, that is important enough to get an achievement, yet you can nearly stun lock it.
  3. Wordle 255 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛🟩🟨 ⬛⬛🟨🟩⬛ 🟨🟩🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  4. You'll be locked in to 30fps, and there is still the frame pacing issue, but that's in like all of their games. Draw distance will be low and I think there is less foliage overall maybe making the ground look a but plain, but if you have ever only ever played these games on console then you won't notice anything. Like, it doesn't look worse than DS3 or BB. My bother who still has a base PS4 is having a blast with the game.
  5. That's a normal weapon. Bloodhound's fang is a special weapon. I mean, people can obvs take different paths in this game, but +6 seems pretty high for special weapon seeing as they can only go up to +10. Normal weapons go up to +25 tho.
  6. Man are you guys sure your bloodhound's fang is +6 or higher? J Only underground area I know of is Siofra River and the wiki states it only has somber shards of 2 and 5.
  7. Sure it is slower, but Greatswords and Ultra Greatswords have been new player weapons of choice for a long time now. I find for bosses that the more damage you can deal in a single hit the better. Fast weapons just don't seem to cut it in ER. Also, I jump attack like a motherfucker. It is literally the best way to get in a lot of damage in one hit.
  8. I use it. You use it. Everybody uses it. It is definitely the n00b weapon of the game. Not because it is bad, but because it is very good with no skill required. It is a great weapon for newbs and vets. I guess the downside is that you can make other weapons stronger faster. I have had it plus 2 for a while now, but the other sword I dual wield is +8 and deals more damage. Doesn't have bleed tho.
  9. Messages are free healing so they are great No spoilers really, but just hiding images from cluttering up the thread Also, the map isn't nearly as large as I exclaimed. Still a very good size, but a lot of the empty space is water. Now the map might be spoilers.
  10. I'm so over Pokémon, but as a guy who has only ever picked water starters, fuck I want that duck.
  11. Wordle 254 5/6* ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟩🟨⬛🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  12. I think the exile armor is cool-ish. You can get it from the mobs in the castle. Not a great image, but it's what you'll see most of the time anyway.
  13. This is kinda what makes me feel lost. Like, just did a field boss and a catacombs boss in that zone. I did plenty of damage. The health bar for the bosses was more a suggestion. However, I get nearly one shot. Like, despite having a +5 flask which heals me to full at this point, I need to use one any time I get hit because two hit from any attack will kill me. Doesn't matter if I get taken down to 50% or 1%. I still will have to heal. None of these games were ever like this. I might as well have two hit points and each hit takes off one point. Shit makes no sense.
  14. "Attributes Required" on the bottom right. If the numbers are red, or there is an X on the weapon that means you don't have the stats to wield it properly. With STR, you may not actually have to meet the requirement as two handing a weapon reduces the amount of strength you need to wield it. You will know by, when trying to equip the weapon you will receive a message saying you don't have the stats to wield it properly, but you can if you wield it in two hands.
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