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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. If we're throwing adolesence into the mix, then childhood ends when puberty begins.
  2. Whatever budget reductions did occur amounted to little more than a rounding error. Nobody defunded the police: A study THEREALNEWS.COM Despite right-wing outrage and backlash from the President, there is little evidence that cities are slashing police department budgets.
  3. Baldur's Gate 3 - Community Update #18: Baldur's Date - Steam News LARIAN.CLUB Baldur’s Gate 3 releases on August 31, 2023 for PC, Mac, and PS5.
  4. It's getting very ugly, very quickly at the so-called "America's Paper of Record". Per Erik Wemple of the Washington Post (America's "Other" Paper of Record):
  5. If I watch one of these, how badly would it disrupt my carefully-curated YouTube algorithm?
  6. ISW analysis for 22 February 2023: Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, February 22, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War WWW.UNDERSTANDINGWAR.ORG Russian President Vladimir Putin revived his imperialistic narrative that Russia is fighting for Russia's "historic frontiers" on February 22, a narrative that he had similarly voiced in his speech before the re-invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
  7. That data set is limited to gun-related suicides. In total, there were nearly 46,000 suicides in 2020 and nearly 48,000 in 2021.
  8. If only the issues between American law enforcement and the black community were limited to "only" actual killings. If only.
  9. Mother Jones Jacobin Current Affairs The Economist National Review The Nation The New Republic Reason
  10. If a news organization is a publicly-traded company, it sucks. If a news organization is owned by a billionaire, it sucks. If a news organization is owned by a private equity firm, it sucks. If a news organization is supported by donations from the public, then it probably doesn't suck.
  11. You got it - it's really just a matter of degree. Now this is a legitimately good news organization: Investigative Journalism and News in the Public Interest WWW.PROPUBLICA.ORG ProPublica is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.
  12. Once a news organization actually pays "opinion writers", it automatically sucks by default.
  13. I'm truly shocked that a newspaper that gave a full-throated endorsement of the invasion of Iraq would engage in such behavior. Truly. Shocked.
  14. And those are EXACTLY the thoughts I genuinely want to hear from someone like you! Because I am a member of that privileged group, I genuinely do not know when my baises are negatively impacting others. This is why I'm trying to follow a course of attempeting to mitigate harm.
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